Vittorio Corcos - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Vittorio Corcos

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An exhibition in Treviso on women's fashion and modernity between the 1800s and 1900s. Boldini, Erler, Selvatico among the protagonists

An exhibition in Treviso on women's fashion and modernity between the 1800s and 1900s. Boldini, Erler, Selvatico among the protagonists

From April 13 to July 28, 2024, the Luigi Bailo Museum in Treviso is hosting the exhibition Fashion and Modernity between the 1800s and 1900s, curated by Fabrizio Malachin and promoted by the City of Treviso. The exhibition takes as its starting poi...
An exhibition at the Novara Castle on Les Italiens de Paris, from Boldini to De Nittis to Corcos

An exhibition at the Novara Castle on Les Italiens de Paris, from Boldini to De Nittis to Corcos

The Castle of Novara welcomes in its eight rooms the exhibition Boldini, De Nittis et les Italiens de Paris, curated by Elisabetta Chiodini and organized by METS Percorsi d'Arte. On view from November 4, 2023 to April 7, 2024, the exhibition is dedic...
Livorno, sixty works by Macchiaioli painters from a private collection on display at the Museo Civico

Livorno, sixty works by Macchiaioli painters from a private collection on display at the Museo Civico

From October 23 to November 27, 2021, the "Giovanni Fattori" Civic Museum in Livorno is hosting the exhibition Pittori toscani dell'800. On display is a prestigious private collection, featuring more than sixty paintings by Macchiaioli and post-Macch...
Brescia, an exhibition on women in art history with more than 90 works at Palazzo Martinengo

Brescia, an exhibition on women in art history with more than 90 works at Palazzo Martinengo

From January 22 to June 12, 2022, the rooms of Palazzo Martinengo in Brescia will once again host the exhibition Women in Art. From Titian to Boldini, the exhibition that aims to investigate the extent to which the representation of the female univer...
Brescia's exhibition on women in art history, closed due to pandemic, returns in 2021

Brescia's exhibition on women in art history, closed due to pandemic, returns in 2021

The exhibition on women in art from Titian to Boldini, which opened last January but was halted prematurely due to the Covid-19 pandemic, has been rescheduled for 2021. Women in Art. From Titian to Boldini (this is the title of the exhibition), curat...
A major exhibition in Bologna on Vittorio Corcos tracing his entire career

A major exhibition in Bologna on Vittorio Corcos tracing his entire career

From Oct. 22, 2020 to Feb. 14, 2021, Palazzo Pallavicini in Bologna is hosting a major exhibition on Vittorio Corcos (Livorno, 1859 - Florence, 1933), with more than forty major works to trace his entire career. Entitled Vittorio Corcos. Portraits an...
Turin pays homage to Vittorio Corcos. On display are his most famous paintings, from Dreams to Portrait of his wife Emma

Turin pays homage to Vittorio Corcos. On display are his most famous paintings, from Dreams to Portrait of his wife Emma

From October 3, 2019 to February 16, 2020, the Accorsi - Ometto Museum of Decorative Arts in Turin pays homage to one of the most significant painters of the 19th century, Vittorio Corcos (Livorno, 1859 - Florence, 1933), with an exhibition. Vittori...
From spinning top to robot among Balla, Casorati and Capogrossi: an exhibition on toys in Pontedera

From spinning top to robot among Balla, Casorati and Capogrossi: an exhibition on toys in Pontedera

On view until April 22, 2018 (it opened last Nov. 11) is the exhibition La trottola e il robot. Between Balla, Casorati and Capogrossi, at PALP Palazzo Pretorio in Pontedera (province of Pisa). The aim of the exhibition, curated by Daniela Fonti and ...

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