Vincenzo Agnetti - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Vincenzo Agnetti

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Rome, the use of word as medium in the bipersonal exhibition on Vincenzo Agnetti and Tomaso Binga

Rome, the use of word as medium in the bipersonal exhibition on Vincenzo Agnetti and Tomaso Binga

From March 12 through July 15, 2024, Galleria Erica Ravenna in Rome is hosting a two-person exhibition dedicated to Vincenzo Agnetti and Tomaso Binga entitled Una macchina è una macchina. It is a dialogue between two artists who, since the 196...
From Manzoni to Fontana, an exhibition in Rome on art in Milan between the 1960s and 1970s

From Manzoni to Fontana, an exhibition in Rome on art in Milan between the 1960s and 1970s

From September 28 to November 20 in Rome, at theAuditorium Conciliazione, a major exhibition will be open to the public dedicated to the extraordinary season of art in Milan between the 1960s and 1970s, The Fabulous Sixties and Seventies in Milan, a ...
An exhibition in Milan recalls the association between Vincenzo Agnetti, Enrico Castellani and Piero Manzoni

An exhibition in Milan recalls the association between Vincenzo Agnetti, Enrico Castellani and Piero Manzoni

From October 23, 2019 to January 18, 2020, the BUILDING space in Milan presents the exhibition Vincenzo Agnetti - Self-Portraits Portraits. Writing - Enrico Castellani Piero Manzoni curated by Giovanni Iovane. The exhibition, divided into the two sec...
Rebel art from Sixty-eight on display in Milan

Rebel art from Sixty-eight on display in Milan

With the exhibition"Rebel Art. 1968-1978 Artists and Groups from Sixty-Eight," which runs until Dec. 9 at the Credito Valtellinese Group Gallery in Milan, aims to investigate those artistic expressions in Italy that were inspired by the political and...

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