Renato Birolli - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Renato Birolli

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Rome, Galleria d'Arte Moderna opens exhibition all about Italian Expressionism

Rome, Galleria d'Arte Moderna opens exhibition all about Italian Expressionism

The Gallery of Modern Art in Rome presents the exhibition Aesthetics of Deformation from June 6, 2024 to February 2, 2025. Protagonists of Italian Expressionism. Returning to talk about the aesthetics ofItalian Expressionism is a way to return to th...
The inner world of some famous painters through their gaze: a research group show in Reggio Emilia

The inner world of some famous painters through their gaze: a research group show in Reggio Emilia

From May 16 to June 15, 2024, the de' Bonis Gallery in Reggio Emilia presents Una forza che crea uno sguardo, una sguardo che crea una forza. The Artist's Vision in Twentieth-Century Italian Painting, a research group show that brings together some 2...
At the GAM in Turin, an exhibition on Moravia and his interest in the visual arts

At the GAM in Turin, an exhibition on Moravia and his interest in the visual arts

Until June 4, 2023, GAM in Turin presents the exhibition Alberto Moravia. I Don' t Know Why I Wasn't a Painter, curated by Luca Beatrice and Elena Loewenthal. Dedicated to Alberto Moravia in the context of the project Born to narrate. Rediscovering A...
La Spezia, Italy's neo-romantic and expressionist painting of the 1930s on display

La Spezia, Italy's neo-romantic and expressionist painting of the 1930s on display

Fondazione Carispezia (La Spezia) is hosting, from December 4, 2022 to April 2, 2023, an exhibition dedicated to the Giuseppe Iannaccone Collection and in particular the 1930s core, one of the great passions of the Milanese collector. Entitled The Bo...
Italian 1930s neo-romantic and expressionist painting on display at Carispezia Foundation

Italian 1930s neo-romantic and expressionist painting on display at Carispezia Foundation

From December 4, 2022 to April 2, 2023, Fondazione Carispezia will host the exhibition The Body of Color in its exhibition spaces in La Spezia. Italian Neo-Romantic and Expressionist Painting in the 1930s. Works from the Giuseppe Iannaccone Collectio...
In Sicily an exhibition dedicated to the masters of the 20th century from Guttuso to Vedova

In Sicily an exhibition dedicated to the masters of the 20th century from Guttuso to Vedova

From July 29, 2022 to January 8, 2023, theAntiquarium of Centuripe will host the exhibition The Masters of the Twentieth Century: from Guttuso to Vedova. Works from the Alberto Della Ragione Collection curated by Sergio Risaliti, director of the No...
Terra Sacra. In Ancona, the exhibition that brings contemporary and ancient saved from the earthquake into dialogue

Terra Sacra. In Ancona, the exhibition that brings contemporary and ancient saved from the earthquake into dialogue

The Mole Vanvitelliana in Ancona opens up to contemporary art with the exhibition Terra Sacra: curated by Flavio Arensi, it is scheduled from November 27, 2021 to May 8, 2022 and aims to make the ancient works of the territory, restored after the ear...
A journey through Italian art between the wars. The exhibition at the GAM in Turin

A journey through Italian art between the wars. The exhibition at the GAM in Turin

From May 5 to September 12, 2021, GAM in Turin opens the exhibition Viaggio controcorrente. Italian Art 1920-1945, an exhibition dedicated to a very intense historical period for Italian art, between the end of the Great War and the end of the Second...

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