Pablo Candiloro - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Pablo Candiloro

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Hauntology. The spectral nature of painting on display in Todi at the Abbondio Gallery

Hauntology. The spectral nature of painting on display in Todi at the Abbondio Gallery

With the concept of "hauntology " (a corruption of the English terms "haunting" and "ontology"), coined by Jacques Derrida in his 1993 book Spectres of Marx and later taken up by Mark Fisher in his Spectres of My Life. Writings on Depression, Hauntol...
At the Giampaolo Abbondio Gallery in Todi the solo exhibition of Pablo Candiloro

At the Giampaolo Abbondio Gallery in Todi the solo exhibition of Pablo Candiloro

A promise of immortality, a solo exhibition by Pablo Candiloro (Buenos Aires, 1976) opens Saturday, Dec. 11, at the Giampaolo Abbondio Gallery in Todi. The exhibition, curated by Massimo Mattioli, will remain open until Feb. 26, 2022. The exhibition ...

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