Oliviero Toscani - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Oliviero Toscani

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Shit photos: Oliviero Toscani's shots of excrement on display in Milan

Shit photos: Oliviero Toscani's shots of excrement on display in Milan

Shitty photos, in the literal sense of the word: these are the ones that Oliviero Toscani has dedicated to poop and are being exhibited in Milan, Galleria Lampo at theEx Scalo Ferroviario Farini on Via Valtellina 5, from February 21 to March 24, 2024...
Turin, from Mazzoleni the third stage of the exhibition for the 80th birthday of Oliviero Toscani

Turin, from Mazzoleni the third stage of the exhibition for the 80th birthday of Oliviero Toscani

After Palazzo Reale in Milan and Palazzo Albergati in Bologna, the Mazzoleni gallery is hosting in its Turin location, until Jan. 14, 2023, the third and final stage of the cycle of exhibitions celebrating Oliviero Toscani's 80th birthday.The Toscani...
Milan, a major exhibition at Palazzo Reale to celebrate Oliviero Toscani's 80th birthday

Milan, a major exhibition at Palazzo Reale to celebrate Oliviero Toscani's 80th birthday

From June 24 to September 25, 2022, Palazzo Reale in Milan is hosting the exhibition Oliviero Toscani. Professione fotografo, curated by Nicolas Ballario, promoted by the City of Milan-Cultura, produced and organized by Palazzo Reale and Arthemisia. ...
Bologna, Palazzo Albergati hosts exhibition dedicated to Oliviero Toscani

Bologna, Palazzo Albergati hosts exhibition dedicated to Oliviero Toscani

At Palazzo Albergati in Bologna, Arthemisia presents from April 8 to September 4, 2022, the exhibition Oliviero Toscani. 80 Years as a Situationist curated by Nicolas Ballario. The exhibition traces the photographer's career, with more than 100 photo...
The Families of Man: an exhibition in Aosta on today's society with works by great photographers

The Families of Man: an exhibition in Aosta on today's society with works by great photographers

Promoted by theCultural Heritage Department of the Autonomous Region of Valle D'Aosta, a photographic exhibition reflecting and recounting the major themes of man and society in recent decades, The Families of Man, opened May 29, 2021 at the Regional...
Ti Bergamo: at GAMeC the exhibition that uses art to tell the story of the Covid epidemic in Bergamo

Ti Bergamo: at GAMeC the exhibition that uses art to tell the story of the Covid epidemic in Bergamo

From Oct. 1, 2020 to Feb. 14, 2021, GAMeC in Bergamo is hosting the exhibition Ti Bergamo, which aims to be a reflection on the sense of community. The exhibition takes its title from the drawing made and donated to the museum by Romanian artist Dan ...
Photography to break down inequality. Human Race, the project of Oliviero Toscani

Photography to break down inequality. Human Race, the project of Oliviero Toscani

From Oct. 25, 2019, to Feb. 2, 2020, Senigallia City of Photography will host Oliviero Toscani's Razza Umana exhibition: seventy photographs displayed in the rooms of Palazzo Ducale and Palazzetto Baviera will tell the story of the world's citizens t...
I See Naked. Art between seduction and censorship in San Benedetto del Tronto.

I See Naked. Art between seduction and censorship in San Benedetto del Tronto.

At the Palazzina Azzurra in San Benedetto del Tronto, the exhibition Vedo nudo. Art between seduction and censorship. The exhibition aims to be an artistic and conceptual historical journey to discover the many expressions and transformations of the...

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