Nicola Verlato - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Nicola Verlato

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Hauntology. The spectral nature of painting on display in Todi at the Abbondio Gallery

Hauntology. The spectral nature of painting on display in Todi at the Abbondio Gallery

With the concept of "hauntology " (a corruption of the English terms "haunting" and "ontology"), coined by Jacques Derrida in his 1993 book Spectres of Marx and later taken up by Mark Fisher in his Spectres of My Life. Writings on Depression, Hauntol...
Dante dialogues with Giotto at the Museo degli Eremitani in the sign of the contemporary

Dante dialogues with Giotto at the Museo degli Eremitani in the sign of the contemporary

Entitled A riveder le stelle (To See the Stars Again ), the contemporary art exhibition running until January 30, 2022 at the Museo degli Eremitani in Padua intends to ideally dialogue with Giotto 's frescoes, which from July 2021 have been included ...
From Piero della Francesca to today: in Todi, the exhibition De Prospectiva Pingendi explores new scenarios in Italian painting

From Piero della Francesca to today: in Todi, the exhibition De Prospectiva Pingendi explores new scenarios in Italian painting

Scheduled in Todi (province of Perugia), from April 22 to July 1, is the exhibition De Prospectiva Pingendi. New Scenarios of Italian Painting, hosted on two prestigious venues: the Sala delle Pietre in Palazzo del Popolo, a thirteenth-century buildi...
New trends in painting in a major exhibition in Milan

New trends in painting in a major exhibition in Milan

The exhibition The New Frontiers of Painting, which opened last Nov. 16 at the Fondazione Stelline in Milan, continues until Feb. 25, 2018. Thirty-four works by as many artists from seventeen countries are on display: the aim of the exhibition, curat...

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