Nan Goldin - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Nan Goldin

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At the Mart in Rovereto, an exhibition for an adult audience on the heretics of the arts

At the Mart in Rovereto, an exhibition for an adult audience on the heretics of the arts

Until February 19, 2023, the Mart in Rovereto presents the exhibition Heretics. Art and Life, from an idea by Vittorio Sgarbi, curated by Denis Isaia. This is the second chapter of a trilogy that the Trentino museum is dedicating tocontemporary heres...
Pinacoteca Agnelli's new projects: installations, exhibitions, performances and events

Pinacoteca Agnelli's new projects: installations, exhibitions, performances and events

Pinacoteca Agnelli inaugurates new projects. From November 2, 2022 to February 5, 2023, the exhibition Tiepolo x Starling, the second installment of Beyond the Collection, will be on view in the permanent collection spaces. Four new installations by ...
150 photographs by the greatest photographers on display in Rome. The Bachelot Collection at Villa Medici

150 photographs by the greatest photographers on display in Rome. The Bachelot Collection at Villa Medici

TheAcademy of France in Rome - Villa Medici presents from October 7, 2022 to January 15, 2023 the exhibition Collection, curated by Sam Stourdzé. This is an exhibition that aims to celebrate Florence and Damien Bachelot's collection of photogr...
Me, her, the other: in Trieste the image of women in the last hundred years

Me, her, the other: in Trieste the image of women in the last hundred years

How the image of women has changed in the last hundred years of history: the exhibition Io, lei, l'altra - Portraits and photographic self-portraits of women artists, curated by Guido Comis in collaboration with Simona Cossu and Alessandra Paulitti, ...
Trieste, portraits and self-portraits of women artists and photographers on display

Trieste, portraits and self-portraits of women artists and photographers on display

In Trieste, at the Magazzino delle Idee, the exhibition Io, lei, l'altra - Portraits and photographic self-portraits of women artists, curated by Guido Comis in collaboration with Simona Cossu and Alessandra Paulitti, will be on display from March 19...
An exhibition at the Pecci Center on the relationship between contemporary art and the urban environment through museum collections

An exhibition at the Pecci Center on the relationship between contemporary art and the urban environment through museum collections

In conjunction with the opening of the Urban Center within the Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Art in Prato, from November 20, 2021 to June 12, 2022, the museum presents the exhibition Art and the City, curated by Stefano Pezzato. The exhibition ...
At the Matalon Foundation an extensive exhibition on women and photography, from Cindy Sherman to Vanessa Beecroft

At the Matalon Foundation an extensive exhibition on women and photography, from Cindy Sherman to Vanessa Beecroft

From October 8 to November 28, 2021, the Luciana Matalon Foundation in Milan presents the exhibition Women and Photography, curated by Maria Francesca Frosi and Dionisio Gavagnin. An extensive exhibition dedicated to the female gaze in photographic a...
From Nan Goldin to Andres Serrano, a stark exhibition in Carrara on the transience of the human body. Photos

From Nan Goldin to Andres Serrano, a stark exhibition in Carrara on the transience of the human body. Photos

From Sept. 6 to Oct. 30, 2019, the Vôtre space at Palazzo Del Medico in Carrara will host the exhibition Corporale, a photography project by international authors dedicated to the theme of the transience of the body and consequently to the new ...

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