Michele Marieschi - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Michele Marieschi

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Eighteenth-century Venetian masterpieces on display at Antoniana Library

Eighteenth-century Venetian masterpieces on display at Antoniana Library

From June 15 to July 6, 2019, the exhibition '700 Venetian. Works from the Gallo Fine Art Collection, curated by Fabrizio Magani. Thirty paintings from Graziano Gallo's private collection and other important private collections: the works on display...
From Canaletto to Guardi, Venetian vedutismo is on stage in the principality of Monaco

From Canaletto to Guardi, Venetian vedutismo is on stage in the principality of Monaco

It opened last Dec. 20 and runs through Jan. 20, 2018, for The magical light of Venise, an exhibition that brings works by some of the great masters of eighteenth-century Venetianvedutismo, including Canaletto, Michele Marieschi, Francesco Guardi, an...

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