Mattia Preti - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Mattia Preti

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Urbino, Paolo Volponi's collection in an exhibition celebrating 100 years since his birth

Urbino, Paolo Volponi's collection in an exhibition celebrating 100 years since his birth

This year marks the 100th anniversary of the birth in Urbino of Paolo Volponi, writer and poet, politician and business executive, and passionate art collector. In Roberto Longhi's lecture, this passion indeed shines through in the paintings that are...
An exhibition at the Carrara Academy on the artistic relationship between Bergamo and Naples in the 17th century

An exhibition at the Carrara Academy on the artistic relationship between Bergamo and Naples in the 17th century

From April 23 to September 1, 2024 Accademia Carrara presents Naples in Bergamo. A Look at the 1600s in the De Vito Collection and in the City, an exhibition that recounts the extraordinary link between Bergamo and Neapolitan painting of the 17th cen...
In Terni, Carit Foundation brings Caravaggio and Artemisia Gentileschi to exhibition

In Terni, Carit Foundation brings Caravaggio and Artemisia Gentileschi to exhibition

From Oct. 27, 2022, to Jan. 8, 2023, the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Terni e Narni will present the exhibition Drama and Passion - from Caravaggio to Artemisia Gentileschi, curated by Pierluigi Carofano, in collaboration with Tamara Cini, at its...
Lucca, a major exhibition on the Lucca Caravaggesque painters. Also featuring works by Caravaggio

Lucca, a major exhibition on the Lucca Caravaggesque painters. Also featuring works by Caravaggio

From Dec. 8, 2021, to Oct. 2, 2022, a major exhibition comes to Lucca, in the spaces of the former Cavallerizza, which will delve into the vicissitudes of the Caravaggesque painters in the city displaying the works of some of Lucca's great artists, s...
 At Palazzo Barberini, Judith in painting between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, from Caravaggio to Artemisia

At Palazzo Barberini, Judith in painting between the sixteenth and seventeenth centuries, from Caravaggio to Artemisia

The National Galleries of Ancient Art at Palazzo Barberini in Rome welcome from November 26, 2021 to March 27, 2022 the exhibition Caravaggio and Artemisia: The Challenge of Judith. Violence and Seduction in Painting between the Sixteenth and Sevente...
The light of the Baroque on display in Ariccia: a review with paintings from Roman collections

The light of the Baroque on display in Ariccia: a review with paintings from Roman collections

The exhibition Luce del Barocco (Light of the Baroque) is on view at Palazzo Chigi in Ariccia until January 10, 2021. Paintings from Roman Collections. Produced by the European Center for Tourism and Culture in Rome and in collaboration with the Pal...
Carpi, Pinacoteca di Palazzo dei Pio reopens in spring, with an exhibition on collections

Carpi, Pinacoteca di Palazzo dei Pio reopens in spring, with an exhibition on collections

This spring, Carpi 's Palazzo dei Pio will present the new Pinacoteca di Carpi, the result of a restoration and refurbishment work in the so-called Stanze del Vescovo (Bishop's Rooms), located in the body of the building that connects the central Ren...
Major exhibition in Rome on Mattia and Gregorio Preti with many works on display for the first time

Major exhibition in Rome on Mattia and Gregorio Preti with many works on display for the first time

From February 22 to June 16, 2019, the National Gallery of Ancient Art at Palazzo Barberini is hosting the exhibition The Triumph of the Senses. New Light on Mattia and Gregorio Preti, curated by Alessandro Cosma and Yuri Primarosa. The exhibit...

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