Massimiliano Galliani - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Massimiliano Galliani

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In Montechiarugolo an exhibition in memory of Massimiliano Galliani, an artist who died in 2020 at only 37 years old

In Montechiarugolo an exhibition in memory of Massimiliano Galliani, an artist who died in 2020 at only 37 years old

Until December 11, 2022 at the Palazzo Civico in Montechiarugolo (Parma) is the exhibition Massimiliano Galliani, his space, his time, in memory of the artist Massimiliano Galliani, who died in 2020 at the age of only thirty-seven. Curated by Eleonor...
Brothers on display. Massimiliano and Michelangelo Galliani prophets at home in Montecchio Emilia.

Brothers on display. Massimiliano and Michelangelo Galliani prophets at home in Montecchio Emilia.

In Montecchio Emilia (Reggio Emilia), the Profeti in Patria - Cammini d'artista a Montecchio Emilia (Prophets in Homeland - Artist's Ways in Montecchio Emilia) exhibition returns from November 6, 2021 to March 27, 2022, whose sixth edition will be de...

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