Marlene Dumas - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Marlene Dumas

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Marlene Dumas stars in a major solo exhibition at Palazzo Grassi

Marlene Dumas stars in a major solo exhibition at Palazzo Grassi

From March 27, 2022 to January 8, 2023, Marlene Dumas (Cape Town, 1953) will be featured in a major solo exhibition at Palazzo Grassi in Venice. Curated by Caroline Bourgeois in collaboration with the artist, the exhibition titled Open-end aims to re...
Francesco Bonami curates a women-only exhibition in Prato, from Jenny Saville to Paola Pivi

Francesco Bonami curates a women-only exhibition in Prato, from Jenny Saville to Paola Pivi

Entitled Hi Woman! The News of the Future the exhibition that runs from December 11, 2021 to February 27, 2022, at the Museo di Palazzo Pret orio in Prato. Curated by Francesco Bonami and promoted by the Comune di Prato - Museo di Palazzo Pretorio, t...
An exhibition of women-only art from 1870 to the present is coming to Switzerland

An exhibition of women-only art from 1870 to the present is coming to Switzerland

From Sept. 19, 2021 to Jan. 2, 2022, the Fondation Beyeler in Basel, Switzerland, is organizing the exhibition Close-up, an exhibition documenting women-onlyart from 1870 to the present: Berthe Morisot, Mary Cassatt, Paula Modersohn-Becker, Lotte Las...
From Goya to Eliasson via Rodin and Arp, a 2021 of great exhibitions at the Beyeler Foundation

From Goya to Eliasson via Rodin and Arp, a 2021 of great exhibitions at the Beyeler Foundation

The Beyeler Foundation in Basel has announced its rich exhibition program for 2021. A 2021 that has already begun, however, with a number of exhibitions already open that will run long into next year. The first, which opened on October 10 and runs un...
At Punta della Dogana three looks at today's art with sixty artists

At Punta della Dogana three looks at today's art with sixty artists

On view until December 13, 2020, at the Punta della Dogana exhibition venue in Venice is the exhibition Untitled, 2020. Three Looks at Today's Art, conceived and curated by Caroline Bourgeois, Muna El Fituri and artist Thomas Houseago. This is the s...
Images of calm and stillness, from Impressionism to contemporary art, are on display at the Fondation Beyeler

Images of calm and stillness, from Impressionism to contemporary art, are on display at the Fondation Beyeler

At the Fondation Beyeler in Basel, the exhibition Silent Vision. Images of calm and quiet at the Fondation Beyeler. The intent of the exhibition is to focus on works of modern and contemporary art that address the theme of calm and quiet. Modernity...

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