Marino Marini - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Marino Marini

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At the Fortress of Bard, an exhibition traces Marino Marini's sources of inspiration and recurring themes

At the Fortress of Bard, an exhibition traces Marino Marini's sources of inspiration and recurring themes

From June 15 to November 3, 2024, the Fortress of Bard is hosting the exhibition Marino Marini. Arcane Fantasies, curated by Sergio Risaliti, promoted by the Fortress of Bard in collaboration with 24 Ore Cultura and the Marino Marini Museum in Floren...
An exhibition in Rome on figuration in the 1960s and 1970s

An exhibition in Rome on figuration in the 1960s and 1970s

An exhibition on two decades of great vitality, which aims to intercept the new international interest in painting and sculpture through important artists who marked a moment of intense creative fervor: this is Figurazione anni '60s and '70s, hosted ...
Art and Fascism: an exhibition on the subject at the Mart in Rovereto, with 400 works

Art and Fascism: an exhibition on the subject at the Mart in Rovereto, with 400 works

The exhibition Art and Fascism, from an idea of Vittorio Sgarbi, curated by Beatrice Avanzi and Daniela Ferrari, opens April 14, 2024 at the Mart in Rovereto and will be on view until September 1, 2024. The exhibition aims to examine the multiple way...
Turin's GAM devotes an exhibition to Italian sculpture between 1940 and 1980

Turin's GAM devotes an exhibition to Italian sculpture between 1940 and 1980

The GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea of Turin presents from April 4 to September 10, 2023 the exhibition Viaggio al termine della statuaria. Italian Sculpture 1940-1980 from the GAM Collections, with which the museum intends to co...
The friendship between Marino Marini and Igor Stravinsky told in an exhibition with unpublished

The friendship between Marino Marini and Igor Stravinsky told in an exhibition with unpublished

From March 11 to May 30, 2022, the Marino Marini Museum in Florence presents the exhibition Pas de deux. Marino Marini Igor Stravinsky, curated by Luca Scarlini, which aims to trace the friendship and fellowship between Marino Marini and Igor Stravin...
Bologna, at Palazzo Boncompagni the exhibition Cavalieri e cavalli: 24 works by Marino Marini

Bologna, at Palazzo Boncompagni the exhibition Cavalieri e cavalli: 24 works by Marino Marini

Horsemen and Horses at the Palace: this is the title of the exhibition dedicated to Marino Marini, scheduled in Bologna, Palazzo Boncompagni from February 26 to May 15, 2022. Curated by the Marino Marini Foundation of Pistoia and organized by Palazzo...
At the Diocesan Museum in Milan an exhibition on the Passion in 20th century art, works from the Vatican Museums

At the Diocesan Museum in Milan an exhibition on the Passion in 20th century art, works from the Vatican Museums

Forty works by major Italian 20th-century artists from the Vatican Museums' Collection of Modern and Contemporary Art interpret the Passion of Christ and document their enduring interest in the theme of the sacred. These are the works featured in the...
Genoa, at the Gallery of Modern Art in Nervi an anthological exhibition on Marino Marini's knights

Genoa, at the Gallery of Modern Art in Nervi an anthological exhibition on Marino Marini's knights

From July 23 to Nov. 14, 2021, the Gallery of Modern Art in Nervi is hosting the exhibition I cavalieri di Marino Marini, curated by the Marino Marini Foundation, Pistoia, on the occasion of the museum's reopening with a rearrangement that offe...

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