ma anche da Domenico Fiasella - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving ma anche da Domenico Fiasella

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Baroque Waves, the exhibition showcasing the Baroque masterpieces of western Liguria, is extended

Baroque Waves, the exhibition showcasing the Baroque masterpieces of western Liguria, is extended

Extended untilJanuary 8, 2023, the exhibition Baroque Waves. Diocesan Masterpieces between 1600 and 1750 set up at the Diocesan Museum in Albenga, theOratorio della Ripa in Pieve di Teco (Imperia) and numerous other sites scattered throughout the dio...
Genoese looks from Cambiaso to Magnasco: portraiture in Genoa is on display at Palazzo della Meridiana

Genoese looks from Cambiaso to Magnasco: portraiture in Genoa is on display at Palazzo della Meridiana

In Genoa, Palazzo della Meridiana hosts, from February 14 to June 28, 2020, the exhibition Da Cambiaso a Magnasco. Genoese Glimpses, an exhibition entirely dedicated to portraiture in the city from the late 16th century to the early 18th century. Se...

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