Luigi Mainolfi - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Luigi Mainolfi

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Luigi Mainolfi's Foot will soon enter the permanent collection of Faenza's MIC

Luigi Mainolfi's Foot will soon enter the permanent collection of Faenza's MIC

The International Museum of Ceramics (MIC) in Faenza is among the 40 projects selected for PAC2024 - Plan for Contemporary Art, an initiative promoted by the Ministry of Culture's General Directorate for Contemporary Creativity. This project involves...
At the Chiostro del Bramante, contemporary art recounts emotions

At the Chiostro del Bramante, contemporary art recounts emotions

Until April 1, 2024, the Chiostro del Bramante is hosting the exhibition EMOTION. Contemporary art narrates emotions, curated by Danilo Eccher. Surprise, confusion, desire, joy, fear, anticipation, anxiety, happiness, pride, excitement, nostalgia, ad...
Light in art and homage to Giambattista Piazzetta: here are the two new exhibitions at Palazzo Fava

Light in art and homage to Giambattista Piazzetta: here are the two new exhibitions at Palazzo Fava

Starting September 29, 2022, two new exhibitions kick off the new exhibition season at Palazzo Fava in Bologna, both of which can be visited until November 27, 2022. On the piano nobile of Palazzo Fava, the Palazzo delle Esposizioni of the Genus Bon...
Turin, Royal Gardens populate with contemporary animal-themed works

Turin, Royal Gardens populate with contemporary animal-themed works

From May 5 to October 16, 2022, the Royal Museums of Turin presents the exhibition Animals at Court. Lives Never Seen in the Royal Gardens, curated by Stefania Dassi and Carla Testore, as part of the larger project Lives on Earth, whose goal is to br...
Uguali Disuguali, in Carrara second stage of Nicola Ricci's project

Uguali Disuguali, in Carrara second stage of Nicola Ricci's project

From November 20, 2021 to January 8, 2022, the Vôtre space in Carrara, in the rooms of Palazzo Del Medico in Alberica Square, will host Uguali Digusuali, the second stage of the project of the same name launched in 2018 at Palazzo Binelli, a gr...
From Pellizza to De Chirico, major exhibition on landscape from the 18th century to the present at Venaria Reale

From Pellizza to De Chirico, major exhibition on landscape from the 18th century to the present at Venaria Reale

From June 22 to January 9, 2022, the Reggia di Venaria Reale is hosting the exhibition Una infinita bellezza. Landscape in Italy from Romantic Painting to Contemporary Art, entirely dedicated to the theme of nature conservation and environme...
Equal Unequal: in Carrara, contemporary art dialogues with neoclassical and romantic masters

Equal Unequal: in Carrara, contemporary art dialogues with neoclassical and romantic masters

Opening to the public in Carrara, at Palazzo Binelli - Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Carrara, is the contemporary art group exhibition entitled Uguali Disuguali, which will be open from October 27, 2018 until December 14, 2018. It is a project by ...

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