Louis Fratino - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Louis Fratino

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Louis Fratino at Pecci in Prato: first institutional exhibition for American artist

Louis Fratino at Pecci in Prato: first institutional exhibition for American artist

The Luigi Pecci Center for Contemporary Art in Prato presents Satura, a solo exhibition by U.S. artist Louis Fratino (born 1993 in Annapolis, lives and works in New York City). Curated by Stefano Collicelli Cagol, the exhibition will be open to the p...
Pandemic forces us to reflect on fragility: so here is the virtual exhibition at De Carlo Gallery

Pandemic forces us to reflect on fragility: so here is the virtual exhibition at De Carlo Gallery

From June 23 to July 5, La simmetria della fragilità (The Symmetry of Fragility), a group exhibition dedicated to one of the most interesting themes that has emerged in these more than seventy days of living with the pandemic, a project concei...

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