Joseph Beuys - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Joseph Beuys

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 Fluxus, art for all. In Milan, the exhibition that analyzes how Italy contributed to its spread

Fluxus, art for all. In Milan, the exhibition that analyzes how Italy contributed to its spread

Opening November 25, 2022, and open until April 16, 2023, at the Archives Space of the Museo del Novecento in Milan, the exhibition Fluxus, art for all. Italian Editions from the Luigi Bonotto Collection, curated by Patrizio Peterlini and Martina Cor...
Venice, an exhibition on Joseph Beuys at Palazzo Cini with 40 works

Venice, an exhibition on Joseph Beuys at Palazzo Cini with 40 works

From April 20 to October 2, 2022, the Palazzo Cini Gallery in Venice will host an exhibition dedicated to Joseph Beuys (Krefeld, 1921 - Düsseldorf, 1986): it is titled Finely Articulated and is the event with which the gallery, the house-museum ...
Milan, a major exhibition on the body at Palazzo Reale, from Boltanski to DeAndrea, Beuys to Hanson

Milan, a major exhibition on the body at Palazzo Reale, from Boltanski to DeAndrea, Beuys to Hanson

Entitled Corpus Domini. From the Glorious Body to the Ruins of the Soul, the major exhibition that Palazzo Reale in Milan dedicates, from October 27, 2021 to January 30, 2022, to the theme of the body, with no less than 111 works (installations, scul...
Vertigo: an exhibition on mountains read by 21 contemporary artists in Domodossola

Vertigo: an exhibition on mountains read by 21 contemporary artists in Domodossola

Until Sept. 5, Casa De Rodis in Domodossola is hosting the exhibition Vertigo. Contemporary Visions of the Mountain, curated by Giorgio Caione, a group exhibition to reveal some aspects of contemporary artistic research around mountains through paint...
Brescia, homage to Joseph Beuys with a unique exhibition of photographs

Brescia, homage to Joseph Beuys with a unique exhibition of photographs

Brescia celebrates Joseph Beuys, one of the most influential and profound authors of the second half of the 20th century, one hundred years after his birth, with an exhibition to be held from June 16 to July 31, at Spazio Contemporanea (Corsetto Sant...
Mantua celebrates Beuys' centenary with an exhibition of rare films and works

Mantua celebrates Beuys' centenary with an exhibition of rare films and works

To mark the centenary of Joseph Beuys' birth, the Casa del Mantegna in Mantua is hosting the exhibition Joseph Beuys. The Drum of the Shaman from June 19 to August 29, 2021. The exhibition aims to pay tribute to the artist who marked the history of c...

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