il Genovesino - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving il Genovesino

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An exhibition in Piacenza on Genovesino and his stay in the city

An exhibition in Piacenza on Genovesino and his stay in the city

After the success of the first-ever monographic exhibition held in Cremona this winter(here is our review), Luigi Miradori known as Il Genovesino (Genoa?, c. 1605-1610 - Cremona, 1656) returns as the protagonist of an exhibition event. In fact, the e...
Genovesino exhibition in Cremona extended until Feb. 4

Genovesino exhibition in Cremona extended until Feb. 4

Given its success with the public, the monographic exhibition Genovesino. Nature and Invention in Seventeenth-Century Painting in Cremona, curated by Francesco Frangi, Valerio Guazzoni and Marco Tanzi and running at Cremona 's Museo Civico "Ala P...
Review of the Genovesino exhibition in Cremona

Review of the Genovesino exhibition in Cremona

In the autumn of 1647, the quiet existence of the city of Cremona, which had experienced nearly two decades of relative calm after the great Manzoni plague, found itself disturbed by the events of the Franco-Spanish war. Cremona, the most important p...
In Cremona the first monographic exhibition for the Genovesino

In Cremona the first monographic exhibition for the Genovesino

He is a little-known author, but he held a notable importance in seventeenth-century painting: he is Luigi Miradori, better known as the Genovesino (Genoa, c. 1605 - Cremona, 1656), Genoese by birth but Cremonese by adoption: it was in Cremona that h...

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