Igor Mitoraj - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Igor Mitoraj

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At the Ducal Palace in Urbino, contemporary art celebrates Federico da Montefeltro, 600 years after his birth

At the Ducal Palace in Urbino, contemporary art celebrates Federico da Montefeltro, 600 years after his birth

It opened on October 1 and will remain open to the public until January 8, 2023, the exhibition Art and Power. In Dialogue with Federico da Montefeltro set up in the Sale del Castellare of the Ducal Palace in Urbino. Curated by Vittorio Sgarbi, the e...
Ivrea Italian Book Capital dedicates an exhibition to Igor Mitoraj and the theme of myth

Ivrea Italian Book Capital dedicates an exhibition to Igor Mitoraj and the theme of myth

On the occasion of Ivrea Italian Book Capital, from July 21 to November 27, 2022 Ivrea will host the exhibition Mitoraj in Ivrea. Myth and Literature, dedicated to the Franco-Polish artist with strong ties to Italy, who passed away in 2014. Through t...
Pietrasanta, museum foundation dedicated to Igor Mitoraj is born

Pietrasanta, museum foundation dedicated to Igor Mitoraj is born

The "Igor Mitoraj" Museum Foundation is born in Pietrasanta: in fact, the foundation charter and bylaws were signed yesterday morning at the Ministry of Culture. "The birth of this Foundation reaffirms the Ministry's interest in enhancing the great p...
Encounter and Embrace. In Padua, an exhibition against closure and indifference

Encounter and Embrace. In Padua, an exhibition against closure and indifference

At the Palazzo del Monte di Pietà in Padua, theexhibition Encounter and Embrace in Twentieth-Century Sculpture from Rodin to Mitoraj, curated by Alfonso Pluchinotta in collaboration with Maria Beatrice Autizi, will be on view from Nov. 16, 201...
Scultura Aurea. Artist's Jewels in the Ducal Palace of Urbino

Scultura Aurea. Artist's Jewels in the Ducal Palace of Urbino

Opening on May 31, 2019 at the Ducal Palace in Urbino is the exhibition Sculpture Aurea. Artist Jewelry for a New Renaissance, curated by Paola Stroppiana and open until September 8, 2019. The exhibition aims to be an overview of artist's jewelry in...
Why is fine jewelry considered craftsmanship and not art? In Ravenna, an exhibition tries to answer

Why is fine jewelry considered craftsmanship and not art? In Ravenna, an exhibition tries to answer

From Feb. 16 to May 26, 2019, the National Museum of Ravenna is showcasing The Craft of the Arts. Seduction and Beauty in Contemporaneity, an exhibition born from a question: why is it that a fine one-of-a-kind piece of jewelry, ceramics, or crystal ...

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