Hermann Nitsch - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Hermann Nitsch

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In Venice, Aurelio Amendola's shots tell the story of Burri, Vedova, Nitsch

In Venice, Aurelio Amendola's shots tell the story of Burri, Vedova, Nitsch

From May 4 to Nov. 24, 2024, Spazio Vedova in Venice will host large-scale shots by photographer Aurelio Amendola curated by Bruno Corà, chronicling the work of three absolute protagonists of art in the 20th century. The photography exhibition...
Portraits by Aurelio Amendola of Burri, Vedova and Nitsch on display in Città di Castello

Portraits by Aurelio Amendola of Burri, Vedova and Nitsch on display in Città di Castello

From March 12 to June 30, 2023, the Ex Seccatoi del Tabacco, in the temporary exhibition area, in Città di Castello welcomes the exhibition Aurelio Amendola: Burri / Vedova / Nitsch. Actions and Gestures, curated by Bruno Corà, presiden...
Farewell to Hermann Nitsch, father of Viennese Actionism

Farewell to Hermann Nitsch, father of Viennese Actionism

Hermann Nitsch (Vienna, 1938), the artist who became famous for his installations and performances made from the blood of slaughtered animals and naked bodies, has died at the age of 83. The Austrian sculptor and painter died on April 18 in a hospita...
Venice, at Giudecca a major exhibition on Hermann Nitsch

Venice, at Giudecca a major exhibition on Hermann Nitsch

A major exhibition of Hermann Nitsch (Vienna, 1938), the father of Viennese Actionism, is being held in Venice at the Oficine 800 space at Fondamenta San Biagio on the island of Giudecca. The event, titled 20th Painting Action runs from April 19 to J...
Major Hermann Nitsch exhibition coming to Milan with previously unseen works

Major Hermann Nitsch exhibition coming to Milan with previously unseen works

From February 24 to April 30, 2022, a major solo exhibition of Hermann Nitsch (Vienna, 1938), the father ofViennese Actionism, is scheduled at Galleria Gaburro in Milan: titled Hermann Nitsch. From Actionism to Painting, it is curated by Lòr&a...
Colophonarte publishing house celebrates 30 years with an exhibition at MANN in Naples

Colophonarte publishing house celebrates 30 years with an exhibition at MANN in Naples

On Wednesday , September 18, the exhibition Vola alta, parola. Thirty years of Colophonarte: a refined and precious exhibition itinerary to retrace the cultural journey traced by Colophonarte, the Belluno-based publishing house that, from the heart o...
Mantua, Nitsch exhibition starts despite controversy and boycott attempts

Mantua, Nitsch exhibition starts despite controversy and boycott attempts

Despite the controversy that wanted to boycott it (we had talked about it here and here), Hermann Nitsch 's solo exhibition entitled Katharsis opened its doors last April 30 at Palazzo Ducale in Mantua where it will remain open until June 30. As stat...
War is Over. An exhibition at the MAR in Ravenna investigates how art deals with war.

War is Over. An exhibition at the MAR in Ravenna investigates how art deals with war.

From October 6, 2018 to January 13, 2019 , the exhibition"War is Over. Art and Conflict between Myth and Contemporaneity." Curated by Angela Tecce and Maurizio Tarantino, the exhibition intends to explore a burning question, namely how art deals wit...

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