Gustave Dor - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Gustave Dor

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Dante's Paradiso illustrated from the 1800s to the present goes on display at the Classense in Ravenna

Dante's Paradiso illustrated from the 1800s to the present goes on display at the Classense in Ravenna

From September 10 to December 3, 2022, the Classense Library in Ravenna presents the exhibition Il Paradiso degli italiani, curated by Floriana Amicucci and Daniela Poggiali, conservator and head of the Classense Library's graphic collections, respec...
From Fattori to Rodin, Dante according to Symbolist painting on display at the Bargello in Florence

From Fattori to Rodin, Dante according to Symbolist painting on display at the Bargello in Florence

The National Museum of the Bargello in Florence is hosting, from September 23, 2021 to January 9, 2022, the exhibition La mirabile visione. Dante and the Comedy in the Symbolist Imaginary, another event the museum dedicates to the seven hundredth ann...
Florence, for the first time Doré's engravings for Dante's Comedy become an immersive work

Florence, for the first time Doré's engravings for Dante's Comedy become an immersive work

The Monumental Complex of Santa Croce in Florence presents until January 10, 2022 the project Dante. The Eternal Poet by Felice Limosani aimed at celebrating the 700th anniversary of Dante's death. The project, which has the patronage of the MiC's N...
Dante illustrated through the centuries: the Biblioteca Estense Library exhibits its rarest memorabilia

Dante illustrated through the centuries: the Biblioteca Estense Library exhibits its rarest memorabilia

From September 17, 2021 to January 8, 2022, the Biblioteca Estense of Modena will present the exhibition Dante illustrated over the centuries. Figurative Testimonies in the Collections of the Biblioteca Estense Universitaria, thus making the extraord...
Dante's Inferno by Doré, Rauschenberg and Brand, from the 19th century to the present. On display in Rovigo

Dante's Inferno by Doré, Rauschenberg and Brand, from the 19th century to the present. On display in Rovigo

Palazzo Roncale in Rovigo is hosting from February 28 to June 28, 2020 the exhibition Dante's Oak. Visions of Hell, curated by Alessia Vedova, Mauro Carrera, Barbara Codogno, and Virginia Baradel. The aim of the exhibition is to evoke Dante's Infern...
Visions of Hell: Doré, Rauschenberg and Brand's illustrations for Dante's Comedy on display in Rovigo

Visions of Hell: Doré, Rauschenberg and Brand's illustrations for Dante's Comedy on display in Rovigo

From February 28 to June 28, 2020, Palazzo Roncale in Rovigo is hosting the exhibition Visions of Hell. Doré, Rauschenberg, Brand, an exhibition devoted to illustrations of Dante's Inferno by three great artists, one per century: Gustave Dor&e...
The various iconographic representations of Sapìa in an exhibition in Colle di Val d'Elsa

The various iconographic representations of Sapìa in an exhibition in Colle di Val d'Elsa

At the Museo San Pietro in Colle di Val d'Elsa, the exhibition"Savia non fui. Dante and Sapìa between literature and art," which aims to investigate the figure of Sapìa, the Sienese noblewoman protagonist of the 13th canto of Dante's Pu...

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