Giuseppe Chiari - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Giuseppe Chiari

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 Fluxus, art for all. In Milan, the exhibition that analyzes how Italy contributed to its spread

Fluxus, art for all. In Milan, the exhibition that analyzes how Italy contributed to its spread

Opening November 25, 2022, and open until April 16, 2023, at the Archives Space of the Museo del Novecento in Milan, the exhibition Fluxus, art for all. Italian Editions from the Luigi Bonotto Collection, curated by Patrizio Peterlini and Martina Cor...
An exhibition in Jesi dedicated to Giuseppe Chiari and his reflection on music

An exhibition in Jesi dedicated to Giuseppe Chiari and his reflection on music

From June 27 to November 22, 2020, the Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi in collaboration with the Roberto Casamonti Collection presents at Palazzo Bisaccioni the exhibition Giuseppe Chiari. Sound, Word, Action, curated by Stefano Verri. The exh...
From Maria Lai to Lamberto Pignotti, a rare research exhibition on visual poetry on ceramics at CAMeC

From Maria Lai to Lamberto Pignotti, a rare research exhibition on visual poetry on ceramics at CAMeC

At CAMeC - Center for Modern and Contemporary Art(La Spezia), the exhibition Poetry and Pottery continues until April 29 (it began on January 26). An unprecedented adventure between ceramics and visual poetry, the first Italian exhibition of visual p...

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