Giovanni Segantini - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Giovanni Segantini

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At Bottegantica Gallery the masters of Divisionism, from Previati to Pellizza da Volpedo

At Bottegantica Gallery the masters of Divisionism, from Previati to Pellizza da Volpedo

From October 18 to November 30, 2024, Galleria Bottegantica in Milan presents the exhibition Divisionisms. Another Modernity, to offer a new perspective on the Divisionist movement, exploring its evolution and artistic implications from the 1890s to ...
An exhibition on Segantini and nature in Arco, his hometown

An exhibition on Segantini and nature in Arco, his hometown

From May 20 to October 22, 2023, with the exhibition Horizons of Light. Segantini and the Divisionist Landscape: Nature, Memory and Symbol, the Galleria Civica di Arco (Trento, Italy) investigates the particular predilection Giovanni Segantini (Arco,...
An exhibition on Futurism from 1910 to 1915 in Padua, with more than 100 works

An exhibition on Futurism from 1910 to 1915 in Padua, with more than 100 works

From October 1, 2022, to February 26, 2023, the exhibition Futurism 1910-1915 is scheduled at Palazzo Zabarella in Padua. The Birth of the Avant-Garde, curated by Fabio Benzi, Francesco Leone, and Fernando Mazzocca, which intends to present itself as...
An exhibition in Sankt Moritz on the genesis of a Segantini masterpiece, All'ovile

An exhibition in Sankt Moritz on the genesis of a Segantini masterpiece, All'ovile

Giovanni Segantini. In the fold. Genesis of a Masterpiece. This is the title of the exhibition curated by Annie-Paule Quinsac, author of the catalog raisonné of Giovanni Segantini, and produced in collaboration with the Maspes Galleries in Milan, ...
GAM in Milan showcases the greatest artists of Divisionism

GAM in Milan showcases the greatest artists of Divisionism

From November 19, 2021 to March 6, 2022, GAM | Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano offers the exhibition Divisionism. 2 collections, curated by Giovanna Ginex in collaboration with GAM. The exhibition aims to illustrate the characteristic features of t...
In Switzerland the first-ever exhibition on Giovanni Segantini's portraiture

In Switzerland the first-ever exhibition on Giovanni Segantini's portraiture

Kick off the first-ever exhibition on the portraiture of one of the greatest masters of the second half of the 19th century, Giovanni Segantini (Arco, 1858 - Pontresina, 1899). The exhibition, titled Giovanni Segantini master of portraiture, ...
From Pellizza to De Chirico, major exhibition on landscape from the 18th century to the present at Venaria Reale

From Pellizza to De Chirico, major exhibition on landscape from the 18th century to the present at Venaria Reale

From June 22 to January 9, 2022, the Reggia di Venaria Reale is hosting the exhibition Una infinita bellezza. Landscape in Italy from Romantic Painting to Contemporary Art, entirely dedicated to the theme of nature conservation and environme...
In Novara a major exhibition on pointillism with all the protagonists, from Morbelli to Pellizza da Volpedo

In Novara a major exhibition on pointillism with all the protagonists, from Morbelli to Pellizza da Volpedo

From November 23, 2019 to April 5, 2020, the Visconteo Sforzesco Castle in Novara is hosting the exhibition Divisionism. The Revolution of Light, which has an ambitious goal: "to be the most important exhibition dedicated to Divisionism realized in r...

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