Giovanni Lanfranco - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Giovanni Lanfranco

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Baroque Waves, the exhibition showcasing the Baroque masterpieces of western Liguria, is extended

Baroque Waves, the exhibition showcasing the Baroque masterpieces of western Liguria, is extended

Extended untilJanuary 8, 2023, the exhibition Baroque Waves. Diocesan Masterpieces between 1600 and 1750 set up at the Diocesan Museum in Albenga, theOratorio della Ripa in Pieve di Teco (Imperia) and numerous other sites scattered throughout the dio...
Naples, Caravaggio and the protagonists of 17th-century Neapolitan art at the Capodimonte Museum

Naples, Caravaggio and the protagonists of 17th-century Neapolitan art at the Capodimonte Museum

The exhibition Beyond Caravaggio. A New Tale of Painting in Naples (March 31, 2022 to Jan. 7, 2023), curated by Stefano Causa, professor of History of Modern and Contemporary Art at theUniversity of Naples "Suor Orsola Benincasa" and Patrizia Piscite...
Caravaggesque paintings from Roberto Longhi's collection on display at the Capitoline Museums

Caravaggesque paintings from Roberto Longhi's collection on display at the Capitoline Museums

Opening June 16 at the Capitoline Museums, at the Palazzo Caffarelli venue, is the exhibition Il tempo di Caravaggio. Masterpieces from the Collection of Roberto Longhi. On the occasion of the 50th anniversary of the death of the great art historian...
Rome, at the Capitoline Museums an exhibition on Caravaggesque works from Roberto Longhi's collection

Rome, at the Capitoline Museums an exhibition on Caravaggesque works from Roberto Longhi's collection

The Capitoline Museums, at their headquarters in Palazzo Caffarelli, will host the exhibition The Time of Caravaggio. Masterpieces from the Collection of Roberto Longhi from March 12 to September 13, 2020. The exhibition, curated by Maria Cristina B...
Caravaggio's Legacy. Masterpieces in light: exhibition at Bergamo's Palazzo Creberg

Caravaggio's Legacy. Masterpieces in light: exhibition at Bergamo's Palazzo Creberg

Until May 31, 2018, Palazzo Creberg in Bergamo hosts an exhibition that aims to analyze in painting the effect of artificial light through the canvases of Caravaggio's artists, such as Matthias Stom, Cecco del Caravaggio, Giuseppe Vermiglio, Simon Vo...
Raphael, Canova, Alma-Tadema and others: one hundred masterpieces from the Academy of St. Luke's on a trip to Perugia

Raphael, Canova, Alma-Tadema and others: one hundred masterpieces from the Academy of St. Luke's on a trip to Perugia

One hundred works of art from theAcademy of St. Luke will move to Perugia from Feb. 21 until Sept. 30, 2018, which will host a review of the great masterpieces housed in Rome 's important art institute founded by Federico Zuccari in 1593 and presided...
Caravaggesque paintings from the Roberto Longhi Foundation on display in Palermo

Caravaggesque paintings from the Roberto Longhi Foundation on display in Palermo

The exhibition"From Ribera to Luca Giordano. Caravaggesque and Other Painters from the Roberto Longhi Foundation and the Fondazione Sicilia," which will run until June 10, 2018 at Villa Zito in Palermo. Curated by Maria Cristina Bandera, the exhibit...

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