Giovanni Dupr - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Giovanni Dupr

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Macchiaioli protagonists of an exhibition in Turin

Macchiaioli protagonists of an exhibition in Turin

The Macchiaioli, artists who gathered in Florence in the mid-19th century around the Caffè Michelangelo in an artistic movement that was fundamental to the birth of modern art, are the protagonists of the exhibition I Macchiaioli e la pittura ...
From Fattori to Rodin, Dante according to Symbolist painting on display at the Bargello in Florence

From Fattori to Rodin, Dante according to Symbolist painting on display at the Bargello in Florence

The National Museum of the Bargello in Florence is hosting, from September 23, 2021 to January 9, 2022, the exhibition La mirabile visione. Dante and the Comedy in the Symbolist Imaginary, another event the museum dedicates to the seven hundredth ann...

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