Giovanni Battista Crema - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Giovanni Battista Crema

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A major exhibition on Giovanni Battista Crema in Ferrara, the first anthological exhibition in his hometown

A major exhibition on Giovanni Battista Crema in Ferrara, the first anthological exhibition in his hometown

The Castello Estense in Ferrara is dedicating an exhibition, more than half a century after the last monographic exhibition, to Giovanni Battista Crema (Ferrara, 1883 - Rome, 1964) until December 26, 2021. Ferrara-born but Roman by adoption, the arti...
Cavallini Sgarbi collection on display in Ferrara

Cavallini Sgarbi collection on display in Ferrara

The exhibition "The Cavallini Sgarbi Collection. From Niccolò dell'Arca to Gaetano Previati. Art Treasures for Ferrara" will open Feb. 3 at the Castello Estense in Ferrara and will remain open until June 3. It is an exhibition of 130 works, i...

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