Giovanni Albanese - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Giovanni Albanese

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Terra Sacra. In Ancona, the exhibition that brings contemporary and ancient saved from the earthquake into dialogue

Terra Sacra. In Ancona, the exhibition that brings contemporary and ancient saved from the earthquake into dialogue

The Mole Vanvitelliana in Ancona opens up to contemporary art with the exhibition Terra Sacra: curated by Flavio Arensi, it is scheduled from November 27, 2021 to May 8, 2022 and aims to make the ancient works of the territory, restored after the ear...
Rome, contemporary artists present themselves in five museums through ... their personal collections

Rome, contemporary artists present themselves in five museums through ... their personal collections

In Rome, five civic museums will host The Other Works. Artists Collecting Artists, a special exhibition project through which more than eighty artists "present themselves" through their contemporary art collection, so that their works confront, preci...

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