Giotto - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Giotto

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A new exhibition at MAN in Nuoro compares Giotto and Lucio Fontana with the color gold

A new exhibition at MAN in Nuoro compares Giotto and Lucio Fontana with the color gold

From Nov. 24, 2023, to March 3, 2024, MAN in Nuoro presents the previously unseen exhibition GIOTTO | FONTANA. The Golden Space, curated by Chiara Gatti, in collaboration with Mart in Rovereto and Fondazione Giorgio Cini in Venice. The exhibition aim...
La Spezia, Giotto and Dante's relationship evoked by great masterpieces on display

La Spezia, Giotto and Dante's relationship evoked by great masterpieces on display

From October 2 to January 23, 2022, the "Amedeo Lia" Museum of La Spezia is hosting the exhibition Dante and Giotto. Dialogue and suggestion, curated by Andrea Marmori and Francesca Giorgi. Promoted by the Municipality of La Spezia, the exhibition is...
Ravenna, major exhibition dedicated to art at the time of Dante's exile kicks off

Ravenna, major exhibition dedicated to art at the time of Dante's exile kicks off

Opening May 8 and open until July 4, 2021, the exhibition Dante. The Eyes and the Mind. The Arts at the Time of Exile, set up at the Church of San Romualdo in Ravenna. Curated by Massimo Medica (Director of the Musei Civici d'Arte Antica in Bologna) ...
Largest-ever exhibition dedicated to Dante Alighieri opens in Forli

Largest-ever exhibition dedicated to Dante Alighieri opens in Forli

From April 30 to July 11, 2021, the San Domenico Museums in Forlì will host a major exhibition on Dante Alighieri (Florence, 1265 - Ravenna, 1321) on the seven hundredth anniversary of his death: it is Dante. The Vision of Art, which offers th...
Art history told through Hidden Treasures: in Catania works from Giotto to de Chirico

Art history told through Hidden Treasures: in Catania works from Giotto to de Chirico

Extended until September 30, 2018, the exhibition"From Giotto to de Chirico - Hidden Treasures" set up in the exhibition spaces of the Ursino Castle in Catania and curated by Vittorio Sgarbi. A great success with the public for this exhibition that ...
From July Magister Giotto in Venice

From July Magister Giotto in Venice

Kicking off on July 13, 2017 is the major multimedia exhibition celebrating the 750th anniversary of Giotto's birth to be held at the Scuola Grande della Misericordia in Venice. Magister Giotto is the first of three exhibitions that are annually ded...

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