Giorgio Vasari - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Giorgio Vasari

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Arezzo, an exhibition lets the public discover the secrets of Casa Vasari

Arezzo, an exhibition lets the public discover the secrets of Casa Vasari

As part of Arezzo. The City of Vasari on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of the death of Giorgio Vasari (Arezzo, 1511 - Florence, 1574), from September 8, 2024 to February 2, 2025 the State Museum of Casa Vasari in Arezzo presents the exhibitio...
Arezzo, three exhibitions on Giorgio Vasari to celebrate the 450th anniversary of his death

Arezzo, three exhibitions on Giorgio Vasari to celebrate the 450th anniversary of his death

The home of Giorgio Vasari (Arezzo, 1511 - Florence, 1574) gives an itinerary to delve into one of the greatest panel paintings of 16th-century Italy: The Marriage Feast of Esther and Ahasuerus of 1549. It is an itinerary that reconstructs the histor...
450th anniversary of Vasari's death, Vernio Oratory brings original letters from the artist on display

450th anniversary of Vasari's death, Vernio Oratory brings original letters from the artist on display

On Tuesday, July 30, 2024 at the Oratory of Vernio, on the occasion of the 450th anniversary of the death of Giorgio Vasari (Arezzo, 1511 - Florence, 1574), the exhibition Vasari racconta... letters, projects and secrets at the time of Cosimo I de' M...
Two new exhibitions coming to Arezzo to celebrate 450 years since Vasari's death

Two new exhibitions coming to Arezzo to celebrate 450 years since Vasari's death

On the occasion of the 450th anniversary of Vasari 's death, two exhibitions are scheduled in Arezzo: one to trace the Vasari family's connection with Arezzo's ancient ceramics, and another that will present a selection of documentary evidence to fol...
Genius, writer, painter. The multifaceted Giorgio Vasari told 450 years after his death

Genius, writer, painter. The multifaceted Giorgio Vasari told 450 years after his death

On the occasion of the 450th anniversary of Giorgio Vasari 's (Arezzo, 1511 - Florence, 1574) death, the Giorgio Vasari 1574 - 2024: The Apogee of Fame lecture series will start in Florence from January 26 to May 31. The series of reviews, organized ...
Arezzo, an important letter by Giorgio Vasari stolen in 2001 recovered

Arezzo, an important letter by Giorgio Vasari stolen in 2001 recovered

A handwritten letter by Giorgio Vasari (Arezzo, 1511 - Florence, 1574), dated March 18, 1566, stolen in 2001 from the archives of the Fraternita dei Laici in Arezzo, has been returned by the Commander of the Carabinieri Nucleo per la Tutela del Patri...
Giorgio Vasari on a trip to Stockholm. His collection on display at the Nationalmuseum.

Giorgio Vasari on a trip to Stockholm. His collection on display at the Nationalmuseum.

Giorgio Vasari is moving to Sweden. Indeed, the Nationalmuseum in Stockholm is hosting, from October 6, 2022 to January 8, 2023, the exhibition Giorgio Vasari's Drawings - A Mythical Collection, which focuses on the legendary Aretine artist and histo...
Arezzo celebrates with an exhibition Eleonora Álvarez de Toledo, consort of Cosimo I de' Medici

Arezzo celebrates with an exhibition Eleonora Álvarez de Toledo, consort of Cosimo I de' Medici

On the occasion of the celebrations for the Fifth Centenary of the birth of Eleonora Álvarez de Toledo (1522-1562), wife of the second duke (and first grand duke) of Tuscany, Cosimo I de' Medici, the Fraternita dei Laici of Arezzo, an associat...

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