Gino De Dominicis - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Gino De Dominicis

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An exhibition in Modena hosts portraits made from the 16th to the 20th century

An exhibition in Modena hosts portraits made from the 16th to the 20th century

The Cantore antiques gallery in Modena is hosting until June 29 the exhibition Volti. Italian Portraits from the 16th to the 20th Century, dedicated to portrait collecting. The emotions conveyed by portraits from any era, up to the present day, make ...
Is there a collective identity to which we conform? In Guarene the reflection of twenty artists

Is there a collective identity to which we conform? In Guarene the reflection of twenty artists

From Sept. 23 to Nov. 19, 2023, at the Palazzo Re Rebaudengo in Guarene (Cuneo), the Fondazione Sandretto Re Rebaudengo presents Who Will Be, curated by Stefano Collicelli Cagol with Michele Bertolino. An exhibition path articulated through the works...
Terra Sacra. In Ancona, the exhibition that brings contemporary and ancient saved from the earthquake into dialogue

Terra Sacra. In Ancona, the exhibition that brings contemporary and ancient saved from the earthquake into dialogue

The Mole Vanvitelliana in Ancona opens up to contemporary art with the exhibition Terra Sacra: curated by Flavio Arensi, it is scheduled from November 27, 2021 to May 8, 2022 and aims to make the ancient works of the territory, restored after the ear...
Milan, a major exhibition on the body at Palazzo Reale, from Boltanski to DeAndrea, Beuys to Hanson

Milan, a major exhibition on the body at Palazzo Reale, from Boltanski to DeAndrea, Beuys to Hanson

Entitled Corpus Domini. From the Glorious Body to the Ruins of the Soul, the major exhibition that Palazzo Reale in Milan dedicates, from October 27, 2021 to January 30, 2022, to the theme of the body, with no less than 111 works (installations, scul...
An exhibition in Rome on the role of contemporary man in society

An exhibition in Rome on the role of contemporary man in society

Until November 14, 2021, the Galleria d'Arte Moderna in Rome presents the exhibition Ciao maschio. Face, Power and Identity of Contemporary Man, curated by Arianna Angelelli and Claudio Crescentini. On display are more than one hundred works, includi...
An exhibition in Terni on Italian art from postwar to postmodern with works by Fontana, Burri, Merz, De Dominicis and others

An exhibition in Terni on Italian art from postwar to postmodern with works by Fontana, Burri, Merz, De Dominicis and others

An exhibition, in Umbria, on Italian art from 1949 onward, with big names such as those of Lucio Fontana, Alberto Burri, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Piero Manzoni, Mario Merz, Enrico Castellani, Gino De Dominicis and many others: this is the review Immagina...

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