Francisco Goya - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Francisco Goya

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An exhibition in Bagnacavallo on avant-garde graphic design from Manet to Picasso

An exhibition in Bagnacavallo on avant-garde graphic design from Manet to Picasso

From September 22, 2024 to January 12, 2025, the Bagnacavallo Museo Civico delle Cappuccine hosts the exhibition The Sign Revolution. The Graphics of the Avant-Garde from Manet to Picasso, curated by Davide Caroli and Martina Elisa Piacente, with the...
Rome, Caravaggio and Goya compared in an exhibition at the Capitoline Museums

Rome, Caravaggio and Goya compared in an exhibition at the Capitoline Museums

Caravaggio and Goya compared in an exhibition in Rome's Capitoline Museums. Entitled Goya and Caravaggio: Truth and Rebellion , the exhibition project that compares Caravaggio 's Buona ventura (Michelangelo Merisi; Milan, 1571 - Porto Ercole, 1610) a...
Spain buys a rare youthful Pieta by Goya for 1.5 million euros

Spain buys a rare youthful Pieta by Goya for 1.5 million euros

An important and rare work by Francisco Goya (Fuendetodos, 1746 - Bordeaux, 1828), the Pieta, an early painting by the Spanish artist, has been purchased by Spain's Ministry of Culture for the sum of 1.5 million euros: it will be destined for the Nat...
Three hundred masterpieces from Zurich's Graphische Sammlung on display at MASI, from Dürer to Warhol

Three hundred masterpieces from Zurich's Graphische Sammlung on display at MASI, from Dürer to Warhol

From September 10, 2023 to January 7, 2024, MASI - Museo d'arte della Svizzera italiana in Lugano presents the exhibition Da Albrecht Dürer a Andy Warhol. Masterpieces from the Graphische Sammlung ETH Zürich, curated by the Director of the ...
The satire of Goya and Grosz, among the greatest cartoonists, on display in Parma

The satire of Goya and Grosz, among the greatest cartoonists, on display in Parma

At Palazzo Pigorini in Parma the exhibition Goya - Grosz. The Sleep of Reason, in which the Caprichos of Francisco Goya y Lucientes (Fuendetodos, 1746 - Bordeaux, 1828) and the drawings and paintings of George Grosz (Georg Ehrenfried Gross; Berlin, 1...
Artists' portraits and self-portraits from the 16th century to the present day on display in Gorica

Artists' portraits and self-portraits from the 16th century to the present day on display in Gorica

From May 28 to October 2, 2022 Palazzo Attems Petzenstein in Gorizia presents the exhibition Reflections. Self-Portraits in the Mirror of History, curated by Johannes Ramharter and Raffaella Sgubin with the collaboration of Lorenzo Michelli and Vanja...
From Pannini to Boucher and Goya, the great painting of the 18th century on display in Carrara

From Pannini to Boucher and Goya, the great painting of the 18th century on display in Carrara

An exhibition of great Italian and international artists of the eighteenth century to reconstruct the cultural climate in which one of the greatest artists of the eighteenth century, Giovanni Antonio Cybei (Carrara 1706 - 1784), worked, to wh...
For the first time in Italy, an exhibition investigates Goya's relationship with physiognomy

For the first time in Italy, an exhibition investigates Goya's relationship with physiognomy

For the first time it will come to Italy, after Madrid, Bordeaux, Algiers and Prague, the exhibition Goya Fisonomista. The Face of Goya's Graphic Work, which will be on display in the Sala Dalí of theInstituto Cervantes in Rome from April 29 t...

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