Fausto Pirandello - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Fausto Pirandello

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Rome, Galleria d'Arte Moderna opens exhibition all about Italian Expressionism

Rome, Galleria d'Arte Moderna opens exhibition all about Italian Expressionism

The Gallery of Modern Art in Rome presents the exhibition Aesthetics of Deformation from June 6, 2024 to February 2, 2025. Protagonists of Italian Expressionism. Returning to talk about the aesthetics ofItalian Expressionism is a way to return to th...
The inner world of some famous painters through their gaze: a research group show in Reggio Emilia

The inner world of some famous painters through their gaze: a research group show in Reggio Emilia

From May 16 to June 15, 2024, the de' Bonis Gallery in Reggio Emilia presents Una forza che crea uno sguardo, una sguardo che crea una forza. The Artist's Vision in Twentieth-Century Italian Painting, a research group show that brings together some 2...
An exhibition in Rome on figuration in the 1960s and 1970s

An exhibition in Rome on figuration in the 1960s and 1970s

An exhibition on two decades of great vitality, which aims to intercept the new international interest in painting and sculpture through important artists who marked a moment of intense creative fervor: this is Figurazione anni '60s and '70s, hosted ...
The Sea according to 20th century and contemporary artists in an exhibition in Modica

The Sea according to 20th century and contemporary artists in an exhibition in Modica

Ongoing in Modica, in the spaces of the Società Operaia di Mutuo Soccorso, until November 3 is the exhibition BLUE SICILY. The Sea in Island Art from the Twentieth Century to the Contemporary, with the intention of telling, through a selection...
Mart in Rovereto dedicates an exhibition-focus on Fausto Pirandello

Mart in Rovereto dedicates an exhibition-focus on Fausto Pirandello

From March 16 to June 18, 2023, the Mart in Rovereto is dedicating an exhibition-focus on Fausto Pirandello, a great painter of the 20th century whose two important works,Composition and Nude in Perspective, both made in 1923, are preserved at the mu...
La Spezia, Italy's neo-romantic and expressionist painting of the 1930s on display

La Spezia, Italy's neo-romantic and expressionist painting of the 1930s on display

Fondazione Carispezia (La Spezia) is hosting, from December 4, 2022 to April 2, 2023, an exhibition dedicated to the Giuseppe Iannaccone Collection and in particular the 1930s core, one of the great passions of the Milanese collector. Entitled The Bo...
An exhibition in Jesi investigates the human-nature relationship as a habitat, with works by artists of the 20th and 21st centuries

An exhibition in Jesi investigates the human-nature relationship as a habitat, with works by artists of the 20th and 21st centuries

From December 2, 2022 to April 11, 2023, Palazzo Bisaccioni in Jesi (Ancona) will host the exhibition Habitat. The Forms and Modes of Nature, curated by Stefano Verri, promoted by Fondazione Cassa di Risparmio di Jesi in collaboration with Intesa San...
Italian 1930s neo-romantic and expressionist painting on display at Carispezia Foundation

Italian 1930s neo-romantic and expressionist painting on display at Carispezia Foundation

From December 4, 2022 to April 2, 2023, Fondazione Carispezia will host the exhibition The Body of Color in its exhibition spaces in La Spezia. Italian Neo-Romantic and Expressionist Painting in the 1930s. Works from the Giuseppe Iannaccone Collectio...

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