Enrico Castellani - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Enrico Castellani

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In Mendrisio, Switzerland's most comprehensive retrospective dedicated to Enrico Castellani

In Mendrisio, Switzerland's most comprehensive retrospective dedicated to Enrico Castellani

From March 24 to July 7, 2024, the Mendrisio Museum of Art is hosting a major retrospective exhibition dedicated to Enrico Castellani (Castelmassa, 1930 - Celleno, 2017), one of the great masters of twentieth-century art. With sixty works spanning th...
From Manzoni to Fontana, an exhibition in Rome on art in Milan between the 1960s and 1970s

From Manzoni to Fontana, an exhibition in Rome on art in Milan between the 1960s and 1970s

From September 28 to November 20 in Rome, at theAuditorium Conciliazione, a major exhibition will be open to the public dedicated to the extraordinary season of art in Milan between the 1960s and 1970s, The Fabulous Sixties and Seventies in Milan, a ...
A major exhibition in Città di Castello on blackness in the works of 20th century artists

A major exhibition in Città di Castello on blackness in the works of 20th century artists

From April 15 to August 28, 2022, the Ex Seccatoi del Tabacco in Città di Castello will host the exhibition La luce del nero curated by Bruno Corà. The exhibition is produced under the Creative Europe 2020 program with the Beam Up (Bli...
At the Magnani-Rocca Foundation all the art of Lucio Fontana in a self-portrait exhibition

At the Magnani-Rocca Foundation all the art of Lucio Fontana in a self-portrait exhibition

From March 12 to July 3, 2022, the Magnani-Rocca Foundation in Mamiano di Traversetolo (Parma), at the Villa dei Capolavori, presents the exhibition Lucio Fontana. Self-Portrait, curated by Walter Guadagnini, Gaspare Luigi Marcone and Stefano Roffi. ...
An exhibition in Terni on Italian art from postwar to postmodern with works by Fontana, Burri, Merz, De Dominicis and others

An exhibition in Terni on Italian art from postwar to postmodern with works by Fontana, Burri, Merz, De Dominicis and others

An exhibition, in Umbria, on Italian art from 1949 onward, with big names such as those of Lucio Fontana, Alberto Burri, Giuseppe Capogrossi, Piero Manzoni, Mario Merz, Enrico Castellani, Gino De Dominicis and many others: this is the review Immagina...
Colophonarte publishing house celebrates 30 years with an exhibition at MANN in Naples

Colophonarte publishing house celebrates 30 years with an exhibition at MANN in Naples

On Wednesday , September 18, the exhibition Vola alta, parola. Thirty years of Colophonarte: a refined and precious exhibition itinerary to retrace the cultural journey traced by Colophonarte, the Belluno-based publishing house that, from the heart o...
Scultura Aurea. Artist's Jewels in the Ducal Palace of Urbino

Scultura Aurea. Artist's Jewels in the Ducal Palace of Urbino

Opening on May 31, 2019 at the Ducal Palace in Urbino is the exhibition Sculpture Aurea. Artist Jewelry for a New Renaissance, curated by Paola Stroppiana and open until September 8, 2019. The exhibition aims to be an overview of artist's jewelry in...
From Boccioni to Castellani, never-before-seen drawings of the great 20th century in Milan, from an important private collection

From Boccioni to Castellani, never-before-seen drawings of the great 20th century in Milan, from an important private collection

From Nov. 23, 2018 to Feb. 24, 2019, the Museum of the Twentieth Century in Milan is hosting a major exhibition dedicated to works on paper of the Italian 20th century from the Ramo Collection. With more than one hundred works, from Boccioni to Paoli...

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