Emilio Scanavino - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Emilio Scanavino

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Abstractionism and informalism in the Olivetti Collection: the exhibition in Ivrea

Abstractionism and informalism in the Olivetti Collection: the exhibition in Ivrea

At the P.A. Civic Museum. Garda in Ivrea(Turin), the penultimate exhibition of the exhibition cycle Olivetti and Culture in Responsible Enterprise launched in 2021 through an agreement signed by the Municipality of Ivrea, Associazione Archivio Storic...
Milan, an exhibition for Emilio Scanavino's photographs from the 1960s.

Milan, an exhibition for Emilio Scanavino's photographs from the 1960s.

Opened last year on the occasion of the centenary of the artist's birth, theScanavino Archive returns to welcome the public to its spaces with the exhibition Emilio Scanavino. Light and Matter, dedicated to the photographic production of Emilio Scana...
From Manzoni to Fontana, an exhibition in Rome on art in Milan between the 1960s and 1970s

From Manzoni to Fontana, an exhibition in Rome on art in Milan between the 1960s and 1970s

From September 28 to November 20 in Rome, at theAuditorium Conciliazione, a major exhibition will be open to the public dedicated to the extraordinary season of art in Milan between the 1960s and 1970s, The Fabulous Sixties and Seventies in Milan, a ...
An exhibition in Milan investigates the relationship between Emilio Scanavino and polychrome ceramics

An exhibition in Milan investigates the relationship between Emilio Scanavino and polychrome ceramics

From April 1 to June 20, 2022, theScanavino Archive, on the occasion of the opening to the public of its new location on the 100th anniversary of the artist's birth, presents the exhibition Emilio Scanavino. This is Tomorrow, curated by Marco Scotini...
One hundred years of drawing in Italian art. In Bologna 141 artists in a major anthological exhibition

One hundred years of drawing in Italian art. In Bologna 141 artists in a major anthological exhibition

On the occasion of World Drawing Day, the major anthological exhibition entitled 141 - A Century of Drawing in Italy set up in the rooms of Palazzo Paltroni in Bologna will open to the public on Tuesday, April 27. Curated by Maura Pozzati and Claudio...
Emilio Scanavino's large-format works in a retrospective at MARCA in Catanzaro, Italy

Emilio Scanavino's large-format works in a retrospective at MARCA in Catanzaro, Italy

The MARCA Museum in Catanzaro will host the exhibition Emilio Scanavino from May 17 to July 15, 2019. Like Fire in the Ashes. Large Formats. Works 1960 - 1980, curated by Greta Petese and Federico Sardella in collaboration with theScanavino Archive. ...
From Picasso to Fontana: for the first time, works on display from the collection of Sandro Cherchi

From Picasso to Fontana: for the first time, works on display from the collection of Sandro Cherchi

On October 3, 2018, the exhibition"From Picasso to Fontana. Half a century of artist's gazes in the works of Sandro Cherchi's collection" open to the public until April 7, 2019. On display for the first time will be a wide selection of works that ar...

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