Elmgreen & Dragset - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Elmgreen & Dragset

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In Bergamo, several international artists reflect on Covid in an exhibition

In Bergamo, several international artists reflect on Covid in an exhibition

Running until Jan. 9, 2022 is Statements, an exhibition-symbol that synthesizes through new works by some of the world's leading international artists the traumatic experience of the pandemic experienced by the entire world over the past two years. T...
Ouvert la nuit: night walk among installations in the gardens of Villa Medici

Ouvert la nuit: night walk among installations in the gardens of Villa Medici

From December 16, 2017 to January 28, 2018, the gardens of Villa Medici in Rome can be visited at night for the first time as part of the"Festival des Lumières" initiative, a cycle of light installations in the Villa's gardens curated by Chiar...

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