Daniele Galliano - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Daniele Galliano

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Daniele Galliano brings twelve of his recent landscape works to an exhibition in Milan

Daniele Galliano brings twelve of his recent landscape works to an exhibition in Milan

Galleria Federico Rui Arte Contemporanea in Milan presents Daniele Galliano 's solo exhibition entitled Pitture visitable from March 6 until April 24, 2024. The exhibition, where twelve of his recent works will be on display, follows the great succes...
Ghibaudo's fantastic animals and paintings by Frangi, Galliano and Kaufmann on display in Carrara

Ghibaudo's fantastic animals and paintings by Frangi, Galliano and Kaufmann on display in Carrara

Great contemporary art, as always, in the halls of Vôtre Spazi Contemporanei in Carrara , which is hosting two new exhibitions from June 17 to Aug. 5, 2023: Untitled, a group show with works by Giovanni Frangi, Daniele Galliano and Massimo Kauf...
Hauntology. The spectral nature of painting on display in Todi at the Abbondio Gallery

Hauntology. The spectral nature of painting on display in Todi at the Abbondio Gallery

With the concept of "hauntology " (a corruption of the English terms "haunting" and "ontology"), coined by Jacques Derrida in his 1993 book Spectres of Marx and later taken up by Mark Fisher in his Spectres of My Life. Writings on Depression, Hauntol...
The present according to Daniele Galliano on display in Pietrasanta

The present according to Daniele Galliano on display in Pietrasanta

The Giovanni Bonelli Gallery in Pietrasanta presents for the first time in its spaces the solo exhibition of Daniele Galliano (Pinerolo, 1961). Curated by Alessandro Romanini, the exhibition has its own key in its title: Right Now, which is also the ...
Vertigo: an exhibition on mountains read by 21 contemporary artists in Domodossola

Vertigo: an exhibition on mountains read by 21 contemporary artists in Domodossola

Until Sept. 5, Casa De Rodis in Domodossola is hosting the exhibition Vertigo. Contemporary Visions of the Mountain, curated by Giorgio Caione, a group exhibition to reveal some aspects of contemporary artistic research around mountains through paint...
From Pellizza to De Chirico, major exhibition on landscape from the 18th century to the present at Venaria Reale

From Pellizza to De Chirico, major exhibition on landscape from the 18th century to the present at Venaria Reale

From June 22 to January 9, 2022, the Reggia di Venaria Reale is hosting the exhibition Una infinita bellezza. Landscape in Italy from Romantic Painting to Contemporary Art, entirely dedicated to the theme of nature conservation and environme...
Ravenna, with the chaos of Daniele Galliano's Anything restarts the Ascoltare Bellezza program

Ravenna, with the chaos of Daniele Galliano's Anything restarts the Ascoltare Bellezza program

The Ascoltare Bellezza program schedule, now in its second edition, restarts in Ravenna: opening the 2019 cycle is Daniele Galliano (Pinerolo, 1961) with his intervention Anything at the Sala del Mosaico of the Classense Library. The installation is ...

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