The Villa Bassi Rathgeb Museum in Abano Terme is celebrating the success of the exhibition WOMAN, MUSE, ARTIST. Portraits by Cesare Tallone between the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, a monographic exhibition dedicated to the women of Cesare Tall...
From September 14, 2024 to January 12, 2025, Villa Bassi Rathgeb in Abano Terme hosts the exhibition Woman, Muse, Artist. Portraits by Cesare Tallone between the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, curated by Raffaele Campion, Silvia Capponi, Elena L...
Cesare Tallone. Portraits of Society is the title of the exhibition set up in the halls of the Museo dell'Ottocento at the Galleria dell'Accademia Tadini in Lovere (Bergamo) from July 1 to October 1, 2023, which brings together an important nucleus o...