Carole A. Feuerman - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Carole A. Feuerman

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Milan, a major exhibition on the body at Palazzo Reale, from Boltanski to DeAndrea, Beuys to Hanson

Milan, a major exhibition on the body at Palazzo Reale, from Boltanski to DeAndrea, Beuys to Hanson

Entitled Corpus Domini. From the Glorious Body to the Ruins of the Soul, the major exhibition that Palazzo Reale in Milan dedicates, from October 27, 2021 to January 30, 2022, to the theme of the body, with no less than 111 works (installations, scul...
Open Space, sculptures and installations in the Marinaressa Gardens in Venice

Open Space, sculptures and installations in the Marinaressa Gardens in Venice

From August 29, 2020, to February 16, 2021, theEuropean Cultural Center presents the first edition of the multidisciplinary exhibition Open Space in Venice, to be held in the Giardini della Marinaressa. An exhibition that will run parallel to the Bie...

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