Beato Angelico - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Beato Angelico

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The largest exhibition of Italian Renaissance drawings ever held in the UK will be held in London

The largest exhibition of Italian Renaissance drawings ever held in the UK will be held in London

The largest exhibition of Italian Renaissance drawings ever held in the United Kingdom will be staged in London this fall: it will run from November 1, 2024 to March 9, 2025 at the King's Gallery in Buckingham Palace. Drawing the Italian Renaissance,...
UK blocks the export of Beato Angelico's Crucifixion

UK blocks the export of Beato Angelico's Crucifixion

The United Kingdom has blocked the export of Beato Angelico's rare early Crucifixion , a masterpiece discovered and published in Burlington Magazine in 1996 by Francis Russell, and which went up for auction this summer at Sotheby's, where the work fe...
Milan, a masterpiece by Beato Angelico for Diocesan Museum Christmas exhibition

Milan, a masterpiece by Beato Angelico for Diocesan Museum Christmas exhibition

Masterpiece for Milan 2023 will be the compartment of theArmadio degli Argenti by Beato Angelico (Vicchio di Mugello, c. 1395 - Rome, 1455) dedicated to the Stories of the Infancy of Christ, from theAnnunciation to the Dispute among the Doctors, intr...
Beato Angelico's tabernacle now on display at Milan's Palazzo Marino

Beato Angelico's tabernacle now on display at Milan's Palazzo Marino

The City of Milan's Christmas exhibition at Palazzo Marino, titled Charity and Beauty, curated by Stefano Zuffi and Domenico Piraina and organized by Civita Exhibitions and Museums, is now enriched by another masterpiece: the tabernacle by Beato Ange...
In Lecco, the life of St. Nicholas as told by Beato Angelico: works from the Pinacoteca Vaticana and the Braidense

In Lecco, the life of St. Nicholas as told by Beato Angelico: works from the Pinacoteca Vaticana and the Braidense

Opere Sante. The Life of Saint Nicholas Recounted by Beato Angelico is the title of the fourth edition of Capolavoro per Lecco: this year the Palazzo delle Paure in Lecco will host three masterpieces from December 3, 2022 to March 4, 2023: the two co...
Milan, for Palazzo Marino Christmas exhibition important works from Florentine museums

Milan, for Palazzo Marino Christmas exhibition important works from Florentine museums

The City of Milan's Christmas exhibition at Palazzo Marino returns as it does every year. What is new this year is that the exhibition also extends to the other eight city halls to invite the whole city to discover art and beauty during the holiday s...
In San Giovanni Valdarno, Masaccio and Beato Angelico compared in an exhibition of the Uffizi Diffusi

In San Giovanni Valdarno, Masaccio and Beato Angelico compared in an exhibition of the Uffizi Diffusi

After the important exhibition in Reggello for the six hundredth anniversary of the Triptych of St. Juvenal, another review delves into the figure of Masaccio (San Giovanni Valdarno, 1401 - Rome, 1428), in the town that gave him birth, Castel San Gio...
Largest-ever exhibition dedicated to Dante Alighieri opens in Forli

Largest-ever exhibition dedicated to Dante Alighieri opens in Forli

From April 30 to July 11, 2021, the San Domenico Museums in Forlì will host a major exhibition on Dante Alighieri (Florence, 1265 - Ravenna, 1321) on the seven hundredth anniversary of his death: it is Dante. The Vision of Art, which offers th...

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