Antonio Mancini - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Antonio Mancini

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An exhibition at the Novara Castle on Les Italiens de Paris, from Boldini to De Nittis to Corcos

An exhibition at the Novara Castle on Les Italiens de Paris, from Boldini to De Nittis to Corcos

The Castle of Novara welcomes in its eight rooms the exhibition Boldini, De Nittis et les Italiens de Paris, curated by Elisabetta Chiodini and organized by METS Percorsi d'Arte. On view from November 4, 2023 to April 7, 2024, the exhibition is dedic...
Turin's GAM shows its 19th-century collection, from Pellizza da Volpedo to Sartorio

Turin's GAM shows its 19th-century collection, from Pellizza da Volpedo to Sartorio

Through April 11, 2023, GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea of Turin presents the exhibition Ottocento. GAM Collections from the Unification of Italy to the Dawn of the Twentieth Century, curated by Riccardo Passoni, director of the ...
An exhibition in Sondrio on the poetics of the affections through masterpieces from the 1800s and 1900s

An exhibition in Sondrio on the poetics of the affections through masterpieces from the 1800s and 1900s

Until November 14, 2021, the MVSA in Sondrio, the Valtellina Museum of History and Art, is hosting the exhibition Poetics of the Affections. Italian Painting between the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, realized thanks to the collaboration between...
Impressionists masterpieces exhibition reopens at Fortress of Bard. There is time until June 24

Impressionists masterpieces exhibition reopens at Fortress of Bard. There is time until June 24

The Fortress of Bard has reopened the exhibition Masterpieces from the Johannesburg Art Gallery. From the Impressionists to Picasso, suspended by the health emergency. The exhibition was originally scheduled to close on June 2, but has now been exte...
Five centuries of painting from Biella collections on display with works by Boldini, Carrà, Fontana

Five centuries of painting from Biella collections on display with works by Boldini, Carrà, Fontana

At the Museo del Territorio Biellese is running until March 10, 2019 the exhibition Art and Collecting. Five Centuries of Painting from Biella's Collections, organized by theCity of Biella Culture Department with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa ...
Creti, Canova, Hayez: the birth of modern taste on display in Bologna

Creti, Canova, Hayez: the birth of modern taste on display in Bologna

It opened on March 17, 2018 and runs until July 15, the exhibition Creti, Canova, Hayez. The Birth of Modern Taste between the 1700s and 1800s in the Collezioni Comunali d'Arte, on view in Bologna at the Collezioni Comunali d'Arte in Piazza Maggiore....
From De Nittis to Gemito: Neapolitans in Paris during Impressionism on display at the Gallerie d'Italia in Naples

From De Nittis to Gemito: Neapolitans in Paris during Impressionism on display at the Gallerie d'Italia in Naples

From December 6, 2017 to April 8, 2018, the Gallerie d'Italia - Palazzo Zevallos Stigliano in Naples will host the exhibition"From De Nittis to Gemito. Neapolitans in Paris in the Years ofImpressionism." The exhibition will present the development o...
In Milan, an exhibition to tell the story of an army's captains

In Milan, an exhibition to tell the story of an army's captains

From Oct. 20 to Dec. 20, 2017, the Maspes Galleries in Milan will exhibit works by artists such as Giuseppe de Nittis, Emilio Longoni, Carlo Fornara, and Antonio Mancini to analyze the importance of the so-called"captains of an army" in the formation...

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