Antonio Fontanesi - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Antonio Fontanesi

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Macchiaioli protagonists of an exhibition in Turin

Macchiaioli protagonists of an exhibition in Turin

The Macchiaioli, artists who gathered in Florence in the mid-19th century around the Caffè Michelangelo in an artistic movement that was fundamental to the birth of modern art, are the protagonists of the exhibition I Macchiaioli e la pittura ...
Turin's GAM shows its 19th-century collection, from Pellizza da Volpedo to Sartorio

Turin's GAM shows its 19th-century collection, from Pellizza da Volpedo to Sartorio

Through April 11, 2023, GAM - Galleria Civica d'Arte Moderna e Contemporanea of Turin presents the exhibition Ottocento. GAM Collections from the Unification of Italy to the Dawn of the Twentieth Century, curated by Riccardo Passoni, director of the ...
The enchantment of the landscape: an exhibition on the landscape between the 19th and 20th centuries in Rancate

The enchantment of the landscape: an exhibition on the landscape between the 19th and 20th centuries in Rancate

The Giovanni Züst Cantonal Art Gallery in Rancate hosts from November 13, 2021 to November 25, 2022 the exhibition The Enchantment of Landscape. Drawing, Art, Technology. Naturalists, geographers, art historians in Ticino in the near past. Betw...
For Antonio Fontanesi, protagonist of the 19th century between Morbelli and Pellizza da Volpedo, a major exhibition in Reggio Emilia

For Antonio Fontanesi, protagonist of the 19th century between Morbelli and Pellizza da Volpedo, a major exhibition in Reggio Emilia

The Palazzo dei Musei in Reggio Emilia is hosting, from April 6 to July 14, 2019, a major exhibition dedicated to one of the most important protagonists of 19th-century art, Antonio Fontanesi (Reggio Emilia, 1818 - Turin, 1882). The exhibition aims t...
Five centuries of painting from Biella collections on display with works by Boldini, Carrà, Fontana

Five centuries of painting from Biella collections on display with works by Boldini, Carrà, Fontana

At the Museo del Territorio Biellese is running until March 10, 2019 the exhibition Art and Collecting. Five Centuries of Painting from Biella's Collections, organized by theCity of Biella Culture Department with the contribution of Fondazione Cassa ...
From Guercino to De Nittis: Ceci and Poscio collections on display in Domodossola

From Guercino to De Nittis: Ceci and Poscio collections on display in Domodossola

Opening to the public on Sunday, May 28 at the Casa De Rodis in Domodossola (Verbania) is the exhibition Tra Guercino e De Nittis. Two Collections Meet, which will feature the exhibition of the main nuclei of the collections of Antonio Ceci (1852 - 1...

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