Antonio Donghi - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Antonio Donghi

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Rome, Palazzo Merulana dedicates exhibition to Antonio Donghi, exponent of magic realism in Italy

Rome, Palazzo Merulana dedicates exhibition to Antonio Donghi, exponent of magic realism in Italy

From February 9 to May 26, 2024 Palazzo Merulana hosts the exhibition Antonio Donghi. The Magic of Silence, curated by Fabio Benzi and produced by CoopCulture. Main sponsor UniCredit, which also contributed sixteen important loans of Donghi's works f...
Milan, at Palazzo Reale the great exhibition on Magic Realism, from Sironi to Carrà

Milan, at Palazzo Reale the great exhibition on Magic Realism, from Sironi to Carrà

From October 19, 2021 to February 27, 2022, Palazzo Reale in Milan hosts the exhibition Magic Realism. An Italian Style, dedicated to that particular declination of Italian art between the two world wars that, purified of the tensions of futurism and...
From Casorati to Carrà, magic realism is on display at the Mart

From Casorati to Carrà, magic realism is on display at the Mart

From December 3, 2017 to April 2, 2018, the Mart in Rovereto is the scene of a major international exhibition dedicated to magic realism and curated by Gabriella Belli and Valerio Terraroli: it is Magic Realism. Enchantment in Italian Painting of the...

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