Anselmo Bucci - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Anselmo Bucci

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An exhibition in Milan focuses on the figure of women in twentieth-century art

An exhibition in Milan focuses on the figure of women in twentieth-century art

Woman in her everyday beauty: this is the theme of the exhibition The Times of Women. In the Beautiful Painting of the Twentieth Century, curated by Antonio D'Amico, which will be hosted from March 9 to March 23, 2024, at the Exhibition Hall headquar...
An exhibition in Gradara on Anselmo Bucci, protagonist of the twentieth century

An exhibition in Gradara on Anselmo Bucci, protagonist of the twentieth century

The Rete Museale Marche Nord, directed by Luca Baroni and with the municipality of Gradara as lead agency together with the municipalities of Apecchio, Borgo Pace, Mercatello sul Metauro, Mombaroccio and Terre Roveresche, is preparing to present to t...
Sardinia in nineteenth- and twentieth-century painting on display at Sassari National Picture Gallery

Sardinia in nineteenth- and twentieth-century painting on display at Sassari National Picture Gallery

The Sassari National Picture Gallery presents from July 21 to October 14, 2023 the exhibition Landscapes/Landscapes. Sardinia in Nineteenth- and Twentieth-Century Painting: an itinerary with one hundred and fifty works by seventy painters of the nine...
Lucca, an exhibition on Leonardo Dudreville and the New Tendencies group at the Ragghianti Foundation

Lucca, an exhibition on Leonardo Dudreville and the New Tendencies group at the Ragghianti Foundation

From October 15, 2022 to January 8, 2023, the Fondazione Ragghianti in Lucca presents the exhibition Nuove Tendenze. Leonardo Dudreville and the Avant-Garde in the 1910s, curated by Francesco Parisi. At the beginning of the twentieth century there we...
Monza's Collectionsism is on display at the Villa Reale and the Civic Museums of Monza

Monza's Collectionsism is on display at the Villa Reale and the Civic Museums of Monza

From May 23 to October 13, 2019, theOrangery of the Villa Reale and the Civic Museums of Monza welcome the exhibition From Marble to the Rocket. Masterpieces of art unveiled between tradition and innovation, a review dedicated to collecting in Monza ...
Achille Funi and twentieth-century painters featured, with unpublished works, in an exhibition at Milan's CMC

Achille Funi and twentieth-century painters featured, with unpublished works, in an exhibition at Milan's CMC

The CMC - Centro Culturale in Milan is hosting, from September 28 to November 24, 2018, the exhibition Achille Funi and his painter friends of "Novecento," dedicated to Achille Funi (Ferrara, 1890 - Appiano Gentile, 1972) and the artists who were par...

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