Angelo Morbelli - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Angelo Morbelli

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At Bottegantica Gallery the masters of Divisionism, from Previati to Pellizza da Volpedo

At Bottegantica Gallery the masters of Divisionism, from Previati to Pellizza da Volpedo

From October 18 to November 30, 2024, Galleria Bottegantica in Milan presents the exhibition Divisionisms. Another Modernity, to offer a new perspective on the Divisionist movement, exploring its evolution and artistic implications from the 1890s to ...
In Domodossola an exhibition on light in art between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries, between Titian and Renoir

In Domodossola an exhibition on light in art between the seventeenth and twentieth centuries, between Titian and Renoir

From July 21, 2023 to January 7, 2024, the "Gian Giacomo Galletti" Civic Museums in Palazzo San Francesco in Domodossola will host the exhibition The Great Theater of Light. Between Titian and Renoir, curated by Antonio D'Amico and Federico Troletti,...
An exhibition on Segantini and nature in Arco, his hometown

An exhibition on Segantini and nature in Arco, his hometown

From May 20 to October 22, 2023, with the exhibition Horizons of Light. Segantini and the Divisionist Landscape: Nature, Memory and Symbol, the Galleria Civica di Arco (Trento, Italy) investigates the particular predilection Giovanni Segantini (Arco,...
Cherasco dedicates a retrospective exhibition to Alexandrian painter Pietro Morando

Cherasco dedicates a retrospective exhibition to Alexandrian painter Pietro Morando

From May 28 to September 18, 2022 Palazzo Salmatoris in Cherasco (Cuneo) presents Dal segno al racconto, an exhibition on the painter from Alessandria Pietro Morando curated by Rino Tacchella and Cinzia Tesio, with the direction of Riccardo Gattolin....
From Pellizza to Carrà: the artists from Alessandria who made Italian art history great in the 20th century

From Pellizza to Carrà: the artists from Alessandria who made Italian art history great in the 20th century

The spaces of the Palazzo del Monferrato in Alessandria will host from December 11, 2021 to March 13, 2022 the exhibition Alessandria the Twentieth Century. From Pellizza to Carrà a history of artists, curated by Maria Luisa Caffarelli and Rin...
GAM in Milan showcases the greatest artists of Divisionism

GAM in Milan showcases the greatest artists of Divisionism

From November 19, 2021 to March 6, 2022, GAM | Galleria d'Arte Moderna di Milano offers the exhibition Divisionism. 2 collections, curated by Giovanna Ginex in collaboration with GAM. The exhibition aims to illustrate the characteristic features of t...
An exhibition in Sondrio on the poetics of the affections through masterpieces from the 1800s and 1900s

An exhibition in Sondrio on the poetics of the affections through masterpieces from the 1800s and 1900s

Until November 14, 2021, the MVSA in Sondrio, the Valtellina Museum of History and Art, is hosting the exhibition Poetics of the Affections. Italian Painting between the Nineteenth and Twentieth Centuries, realized thanks to the collaboration between...
Angelo Morbelli and the Monferrato landscape. Casale Monferrato.

Angelo Morbelli and the Monferrato landscape. Casale Monferrato.

Until Sept. 29, 2019, a retrospective exhibition dedicated to Angelo Morbelli (Alessandria, 1853 - Milan, 1919) is open to the public at the Museo Civico di Casale Monferrato to mark the centenary of the artist's death. The exhibition, entitled Ange...

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