Andrea Chiesi - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Andrea Chiesi

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Hauntology. The spectral nature of painting on display in Todi at the Abbondio Gallery

Hauntology. The spectral nature of painting on display in Todi at the Abbondio Gallery

With the concept of "hauntology " (a corruption of the English terms "haunting" and "ontology"), coined by Jacques Derrida in his 1993 book Spectres of Marx and later taken up by Mark Fisher in his Spectres of My Life. Writings on Depression, Hauntol...
Two hundred original prints and artist's books by 80 national and international artists on display in Modena

Two hundred original prints and artist's books by 80 national and international artists on display in Modena

From December 17, 2022 to March 19, 2023 in Modena, at the dual location of the San Paolo Complex and the Poletti Library, the exhibition La collezione rivelata. Papers and Artist's Books from the Laboratory of Graphic Art in Modena, curated by Rober...
Modena, at Verolino Gallery a group show on the expressive possibilities of the tree form

Modena, at Verolino Gallery a group show on the expressive possibilities of the tree form

From March 11 to April 9, 2022, Galleria Antonio Verolino in Modena is hosting Verde Brillante, or the interpretative possibilities of becoming form, a group exhibition curated by Leonardo Regano that brings together the work of nine artists-Zeno Ber...
Artist's books in a group show spread across the Modena area on Ultraromanticism

Artist's books in a group show spread across the Modena area on Ultraromanticism

As part of the exhibition Ultraromanticism. The Posthuman, Between Restlessness and Abandonment, a six-act collective promoted by the municipalities of Castelnuovo Rangone, Pavullo nel Frignano, Castelfranco Emilia, Savignano sul Panaro, Spilamberto ...
Contemporary art in Genoa: start of the fourth edition of the Biennale Le Latitudini dell'arte

Contemporary art in Genoa: start of the fourth edition of the Biennale Le Latitudini dell'arte

Held from July 20 to Aug. 31, 2019, at the Palazzo Ducale in Genoa, the fourth edition of the contemporary art biennial Le Latitudini dell'arte takes place. The exhibition, conceived and curated by Virginia Monteverde and presented this year by art ...
The last places of Andrea Chiesi, in Ravenna the artist's production from the early 2000s to today

The last places of Andrea Chiesi, in Ravenna the artist's production from the early 2000s to today

Last week for the exhibition I luoghi ultimi, a solo show with which Andrea Chiesi (Modena, 1966), one of the most appreciated contemporary Italian painters and winner of the Cairo Prize in 2004, brings to Ravenna, to Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste, a s...
The ultimate places, Andrea Chiesi's solo exhibition in Ravenna

The ultimate places, Andrea Chiesi's solo exhibition in Ravenna

From February 23 to March 24, 2019, Palazzo Rasponi dalle Teste in Ravenna is hosting I luoghi ultimi, a solo exhibition by Andrea Chiesi (Modena, 1966), an artist who has been drawing inspiration from contemporary landscapes for nearly 30 years: h...
From Piero della Francesca to today: in Todi, the exhibition De Prospectiva Pingendi explores new scenarios in Italian painting

From Piero della Francesca to today: in Todi, the exhibition De Prospectiva Pingendi explores new scenarios in Italian painting

Scheduled in Todi (province of Perugia), from April 22 to July 1, is the exhibition De Prospectiva Pingendi. New Scenarios of Italian Painting, hosted on two prestigious venues: the Sala delle Pietre in Palazzo del Popolo, a thirteenth-century buildi...

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