Alberto Timossi - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Alberto Timossi

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New environmental works by Genovese and Timossi on display at Rome's Gallery of Modern Art

New environmental works by Genovese and Timossi on display at Rome's Gallery of Modern Art

The Gallery of Modern Art in Rome hosts from July 14 to October 15, 2023 the exhibition Tellurica, by Pino Genovese (Rome, 1953) and Alberto Timossi (Naples, 1965). Promoted by Roma Capitale, Assessorato alla Cultura, Sovrintendenza Capitolina ai Ben...
Pisa celebrates street art: 45 international artists and over 70 works on display, with live performances

Pisa celebrates street art: 45 international artists and over 70 works on display, with live performances

It opened on December 14 at Palazzo Blu in Pisa and will be open until April 3, 2022, the exhibition Attitude | Graffiti writing, Street art, Neo Muralism, curated by Gianguido Grassi, produced by Start - Open you eyes and produced by Fondazione Pisa...
Rome, contemporary artists present themselves in five museums through ... their personal collections

Rome, contemporary artists present themselves in five museums through ... their personal collections

In Rome, five civic museums will host The Other Works. Artists Collecting Artists, a special exhibition project through which more than eighty artists "present themselves" through their contemporary art collection, so that their works confront, preci...

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