Alberto Salietti - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Alberto Salietti

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Margherita Sarfatti and the artists of the early 20th century. An exhibition dedicated to her in Rome

Margherita Sarfatti and the artists of the early 20th century. An exhibition dedicated to her in Rome

Galleria Russo in Rome is hosting the exhibition Margherita Sarfatti and Art in Italy between the Wars from March 12 to April 4, 2020. Through works dedicated to Margherita Sarfatti by artists of the early 20th century, including unpublished works f...
Achille Funi and twentieth-century painters featured, with unpublished works, in an exhibition at Milan's CMC

Achille Funi and twentieth-century painters featured, with unpublished works, in an exhibition at Milan's CMC

The CMC - Centro Culturale in Milan is hosting, from September 28 to November 24, 2018, the exhibition Achille Funi and his painter friends of "Novecento," dedicated to Achille Funi (Ferrara, 1890 - Appiano Gentile, 1972) and the artists who were par...

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