Alberto Di Fabio - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Alberto Di Fabio

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Hauntology. The spectral nature of painting on display in Todi at the Abbondio Gallery

Hauntology. The spectral nature of painting on display in Todi at the Abbondio Gallery

With the concept of "hauntology " (a corruption of the English terms "haunting" and "ontology"), coined by Jacques Derrida in his 1993 book Spectres of Marx and later taken up by Mark Fisher in his Spectres of My Life. Writings on Depression, Hauntol...
Rome, contemporary artists present themselves in five museums through ... their personal collections

Rome, contemporary artists present themselves in five museums through ... their personal collections

In Rome, five civic museums will host The Other Works. Artists Collecting Artists, a special exhibition project through which more than eighty artists "present themselves" through their contemporary art collection, so that their works confront, preci...

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