Agnolo Bronzino - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Agnolo Bronzino

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Sotheby's, auctioning a Portrait attributed to Bronzino. The painting belonged to a Jewish collector

Sotheby's, auctioning a Portrait attributed to Bronzino. The painting belonged to a Jewish collector

In January 2023 a painting recently attributed to Agnolo Bronzino, estimated at between three and five million dollars, will go to auction in New York at Sotheby's, included among the Old Masters. According to the famous auction house, Bronzino's wor...
Bronzino's Allegorical Portrait of Dante on display in the Salone dei Cinquecento

Bronzino's Allegorical Portrait of Dante on display in the Salone dei Cinquecento

On the occasion of the 700th anniversary of Dante Alighieri's death, the City of Florence is exhibiting the Allegorical Portrait of Dante by Agnolo Bronzino in the Salone dei Cinquecento. The exhibition Bronzino and the Supreme Poet. An Allegorical P...
Florence, Bronzino's celebrated allegorical portrait of Dante on display

Florence, Bronzino's celebrated allegorical portrait of Dante on display

It is one of the most famous portraits of Dante Alighieri (Florence, 1265 - Ravenna, 1321), even though it was made more than two hundred years after his death: it is the allegorical portrait painted by Bronzino (Angelo di Cosimo Tori; Florence, 1503...
From Michelangelo to Caravaggio, the Eternal and Time exhibition in Forli.

From Michelangelo to Caravaggio, the Eternal and Time exhibition in Forli.

The exhibition L'Eterno e il tempo tra Michelangelo e Caravaggio (Eternity and Time between Michelangelo and Caravaggio), the new exhibition of the San Domenico Museums in Forlì, is scheduled from Feb. 10 to June 17, 2018, and is set up for th...
Intesa Sanpaolo gives a Bronzino painting to Turin for the Christmas holidays

Intesa Sanpaolo gives a Bronzino painting to Turin for the Christmas holidays

From Dec. 21, 2017 to Jan. 7, 2018, in Spazio Trentacinque on the 36th floor of the Intesa Sanpaolo skyscraper, the painting by Bronzino depicting the Madonna and Child, St. Elizabeth and St. John will be on display. The newly restored work, which c...
500 years after Luther's 95 Theses, an exhibition on the Reformation at the Uffizi between Cranach and Bronzino

500 years after Luther's 95 Theses, an exhibition on the Reformation at the Uffizi between Cranach and Bronzino

Five hundred years after an event that kicked off a season that shook Europe, offered the posting at the Schlosskirche in Wittemberg, Germany, by Martin Luther (Eisleben, 1483 - 1546) of the Ninety-Five Theses against indulgences and the authority of...
The 16th century in Florence: here is the exhibition presented as "unrepeatable and unique"

The 16th century in Florence: here is the exhibition presented as "unrepeatable and unique"

"An unrepeatable and unique event" is how the exhibition The Sixteenth Century in Florence, being held in Florence's Palazzo Strozzi from Sept. 21, 2017 to Jan. 21, 2018, is presented. Michelangelo, Andrea del Sarto, Pontormo, Rosso Fiorentino, Bronz...
Masterpieces of the Academy of St. Luke at the Fortress of Bard

Masterpieces of the Academy of St. Luke at the Fortress of Bard

Opening today at the Fortress of Bard is the exhibition " Masterpieces of the National Academy of San Luca. From Raphael to Balla" in which 115 works from the precious collection of the Accademia Nazionale di San Luca, one of Italy's oldest cultural ...

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