Agenore Fabbri - Finestre sull'Arte

All exhibitions and events involving Agenore Fabbri

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A look at art since World War II in Pistoia

A look at art since World War II in Pistoia

At its headquarters in Palazzo de' Rossi, the Fondazione Pistoia Musei presents through August 22, 2021 the exhibition Glimpses on Art since World War II, curated by Alessandra Acocella, Annamaria Iacuzzi and Caterina Toschi, which is the second chap...
Encounter and Embrace. In Padua, an exhibition against closure and indifference

Encounter and Embrace. In Padua, an exhibition against closure and indifference

At the Palazzo del Monte di Pietà in Padua, theexhibition Encounter and Embrace in Twentieth-Century Sculpture from Rodin to Mitoraj, curated by Alfonso Pluchinotta in collaboration with Maria Beatrice Autizi, will be on view from Nov. 16, 201...
Tapestry according to 20th century artists, from Dalí to Vedova: an exhibition in Acre

Tapestry according to 20th century artists, from Dalí to Vedova: an exhibition in Acre

From July 6 to November 3, 2019, MACA(Acre Museum of Contemporary Art) is hosting an exhibition dedicated to the art of tapestry and its many technical variations, through a collection of forty works by some of the most important artists of the secon...

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