Marco Basaiti's Risen Christ on loan is replaced by a digital reproduction

Renaissance painter Marco Basaiti's Risen Christ, on loan to the Venaria Reale, in Milan is replaced by a digital reproduction of it.

The Risen Christ by Marco Basaiti (Venice, 1470 - 1530) is currently on loan to the exhibition Restituzioni 2018. Restored Art Treasures organized at La Venaria Reale in Turin to display the works restored between 2016 and 2017 thanks to the conservation program sponsored by Intesa Sanpaolo. How to fill the void left at the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana in Milan by the Risen Christ? With a reproduction ... digital!

The digital version of the Risen Christ is a DAW® - Digital Art Work, which consists of a limited series reproduction, numbered and certified on a monitor, on a 1:1 scale, faithful to the original, created by startup Cinello in agreement with the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana using an innovative patented technology. The project is conceived and organized by Save the Artistic Heritage, a nonprofit association that aims to enhance Italian cultural heritage: the purpose of the initiative is to that to circulate and exhibit in digital format, with educational and dissemination purposes, those “immovable” masterpieces of our heritage and to donate half of the net proceeds from the circulation or sale of the DAW® to the museums that own the rights to the originals (in this case to the Veneranda Biblioteca Ambrosiana) helping the partner museums and institutes to conserve in the best possible way and to enhance the priceless heritage they are guardians of.

The original work is a tempera and oil on panel of medium format (h. 106 x b. 69 cm) painted between 1490 and 1510, donated to the Ambrosiana by the noble collector Giovanni Edoardo De Pecis in 1827, originally placed in the second room of the Pinacoteca. The panel depicts a resurrected Christ, seated on a rock and bearing the Crusader banner of victory over death.

Marco Basaiti's Risen Christ on loan is replaced by a digital reproduction
Marco Basaiti's Risen Christ on loan is replaced by a digital reproduction

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